XPC service issues when building on 10.15


I have installed beta2 of xcode11 on Catalina to test some new stuff. I do not have any accounts inserted into xcode and thus do not sign the test code I build. I have SIP turned off.

I have generated a default cocoa app for macos. When I run it, there is a lot of errors of XPC services:

2019-06-27 15:48:39.381788+0200 TestEmptyApp[3472:83853] [Nib Loading] Unknown class _TtC12TestEmptyApp14ViewController in Interface Builder file at path /Users/tester/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/SystemExtensionLoader-eisgjwcilykdkfeblqdfgtmwvgic/Build/Products/Debug/TestEmptyApp.app/Contents/Resources/Base.lproj/Main.storyboardc/NSWindowController-B8D-0N-5wS.nib.

2019-06-27 15:48:39.543089+0200 TestEmptyApp[3472:83853] Metal API Validation Enabled

2019-06-27 15:48:39.576653+0200 TestEmptyApp[3472:84150] Compiler failed with XPC_ERROR_CONNECTION_INVALID

2019-06-27 15:48:40.577466+0200 TestEmptyApp[3472:84150] MTLCompiler: failed to ping the compiler service 10 times over 1000.534973 ms

2019-06-27 15:48:40.577731+0200 TestEmptyApp[3472:84150] Metal library creation failed: Error Domain=MTLLibraryErrorDomain Code=3 "compiler service could not be reached" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=compiler service could not be reached}

2019-06-27 15:48:40.592866+0200 TestEmptyApp[3472:83853] Error received in message reply handler: Connection invalid

2019-06-27 15:48:40.592863+0200 TestEmptyApp[3472:84162] Connection Invalid error for service com.apple.hiservices-xpcservice.

2019-06-27 15:48:40.652146+0200 TestEmptyApp[3472:83853] Error received in message reply handler: Connection invalid

2019-06-27 15:48:40.682115+0200 TestEmptyApp[3472:84150] +[NSXPCSharedListener endpointForReply:withListenerName:]: an error occurred while attempting to obtain endpoint for listener 'ClientCallsAuxiliary': Connection invalid

2019-06-27 15:48:40.904372+0200 TestEmptyApp[3472:84149] Error received in message reply handler: Connection invalid

2019-06-27 15:48:40.908904+0200 TestEmptyApp[3472:83853] Error received in message reply handler: Connection invalid

Please note that my main goal has been to test my own xpc service; unfortunately i get XPC_ERROR_CONNECTION_INVALID error when I try to connect to it. The same code works on 10.14 when built via xcode 11 beta2.

Is there something broken with unsigned binaries? What am I supposed to do to be able to develop on Catalina?

Kind regards,

Ondra K


I had the same errors and my app wasn't showing any UI. I opened my app's scheme and disabled a few debugging options. It then worked and I re-enabled them one-by-one to find which one was the culprit but now the app is running without these errors even though I've re-enabled all debug options as before.

But I suspect what did the trick was disabling "Debug XPC services used by this application" in the "Options" tab of the "Run" action in my app's scheme.