Hi All ,
I do not want anyone to look through my ML model or expose it. I am working on distributing SDK. Is there any possibility to add ML Model only to SDK bundle and consuming the SDK in the app will help me to proceed further ?. Or is there anything like can i add ML model via pod installation
I tried but I was not able to. Only if I add in the App bundle I am able to proceed. Any suggestion is welcome.
@MahaSVS, please checkout model encryption that was released recently. Here is a good starting point: https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2020/10152/?t=15m52s
Based on your description, it does not quite suit your need. But, I encourage you to checkout and file a feature request with specifics on feedbackassistant.apple.com.
Based on your description, it does not quite suit your need. But, I encourage you to checkout and file a feature request with specifics on feedbackassistant.apple.com.