Mystery Files in Beta 2

Anyone else got this when they open finder? I don't remember seeing this during beta 1?

Your help would be appreciated!


In Finder there are the files

Cores, Private, sw, mnt, opt and Volumes, why are these visbles??

The simple answer, really is, it’s a beta. It’s not surprising to see things not normally seen. Answer 2, file a bug and ask the engineers. Because its a beta not everything is locked down, I’m sure there are other answers to your question as well.

Thanks for your reply, The only reason why I queried it didn’t happened when beta 1 was installed! I will file a report for them , just wondered if it the same for everyone!

Yes, I have them as well. As stated, it's a beta. 🙂

Yes, I know it beta! It just strange it didn’t start from beta 1!