Respond to long press menu on UITableViewCell in class outside of table view

I need to popup a menu on a cell in a table view, but to respond to the action by specifying a selector on an object held elsewhere in the app.

I have written the following code in the AppDelegate :

    let testMenuItem = UIMenuItem(title: "Test", action: #selector(ValueModelCellPresenter.test(sender:)))
    UIMenuController.shared.menuItems = [testMenuItem]

I am implementing the shouldShowMenuForRowAt, canPerformAction and performAction methods on the table view delegate, as recommended, but the menu is not showing on long press.

I have also implemented :

  public override var canBecomeFirstResponder: Bool
    return true
  public override func canPerformAction(_ action: Selector, withSender sender: Any?) -> Bool
    return action == #selector(ValueModelCellPresenter.test(sender:))

  @objc public func test(sender: Any)

… in the ValueModelCellPresenter class.

I also tried calling becomeFirstResponder() on the presenter but to no avail.

Can anyone please help me to see what I may have missed?


OK. I've finally got the menu to show by implementing canBecomeFirstResponder and canPerformAction on the cell class - Yaay!!

Now, I'm getting a crash when I tap on the menu item.

Does this have anything to do with how I am fulfilling the selector on a class outside of the table view / controller / cell / etc?

Could this have anything to do with the fact that I have one ValueModelCellPresenter for each cell (around a dozen on the current test table view)?