Which part doesn’t work on complex entities/joins? I am migrating a very complex app over and am fairly comfortable SwiftUI will Carr for most cases so far, have some unexplored notification and navigation things, plus sig in with Apple etc I still need to work out.
but is it the fact you cannot map the data to a proxy object? Or Is the fetch not triggering update on the nested entities? Or something else, like it just fundamentally “breaks”?
I am just starting to think this one through so starting to work out how to handle this.
My current thinking is 2-fold. The first is part is it appears you need to treat the data preparation and collation very much like redux. But this is of course a concern for large data sets. Out app generally doesn‘t show more than a handful of rows on any one biew a time generally, so thats not really a current concern. It appears the long term goal MAY be for nsfetchedresultscontroller, or a derivative/replacement to offer some layer of direct usage and potentially more support for Combine to cache/etc, or it may already be doing that in the background.
it appears the current concern is the need to translate all the objects into proxy objects which gets us the whole faulting in issue.
Anyone else got some other advice or resources to contribute?