I have no video playback with iOS 13 beta.

I’ve tried playing back videos on my iPhone X running iOS 13 beta and have no video output. Audio is fine, but all video output is just a blank black screen. I get the same in both light and dark mode. Anyone else having this problem? Suggestions welcome...

Same here. My guess we will have to wait until Apple drops next beta?

Did you try to reset all settings?

Settings -> General -> Reset -> Reset All Settings

It will just reset all system settings to default [permissions for all apps to access mic, camera, to send notifications, etc], you will loose your prefered settings, you will also be asked to select again your wifi network and input its password, but if you have celular data 3G/4G it will retrieve your wifi setting from icloud again.

You will not lose any files, documents, photos or apps. [no data is deleted]

This "reset settings" helped me on the past on other iOS versions problems.

It may be worth a try.

Please, don't click "Erase All Content and Settings" by mistake, because it is just below the correct option "Reset All Settings" or you end up erasing all data, docs, everyhing.

Hi Microdoc

i had the same and its listed as a known issue, go into Settings -> Accessability -> Display & Text Size and turn off Reduce Transparency


Thanks, that solved my problem.

iOS beta 13 I'm getting the same issue in Safari. Chrome is fine. Developer console reports 403 forbidden on videos that work in iOS 12. Option to Reduce Transparency is not present. Any thoughts?

I have no video playback with iOS 13 beta.