i have no idea how to download ios 13 can anyone help

i have no idea how to download ios 13 can anyone help

Go to the Download page, select the restore image button, and select the iPhone you have,

Have you got Macos 10.15 beta? as you need to then plug your phone in go to finder select your phone while holding option press software update select the file in your download folders, and there it will download it for you.

But how to do it if I don't have a Mac? Only a PC

Installation iOS 13 Beta to your iPhone requires macOS 10.15 Beta or Xcode 11 Beta. You can't do it if you don't have mac.

Hi Jack,

have similar challenge. Installed watchos6 OTA, my xs Max has iOS 12.4 on it.

i have no Mac, just windows 10. Is there a way?


What program do the three of you use On a PC to develop new software for iOS?

you need a mac to install iOS 13 with the lastest beta installed in order to install iOS 13, and as for the watch as you will notice it says your phone is not up to date and it can't pair until till your iphone is running iOS 13

I have a Mac Pro laptop running macOS 10.15 beta but how do run the download IOS 13 with the phone connected? There is no iTunes on 10.15 beta?

My Mac just died the day of the presentation. I tried to download the Apple Watch beta, and now it’s of no use. I see no selection for iOS 13. I’ve been an apple developer for over 6 years. I feel some kind of way about this change. Apple what the **** are y’all doing to us? Will I ever be able to use ios13? If not , my next laptop won’t be an apple, and neither will my next phone. I’m getting feelings of abandonment.

I have tried this using macOS 10.15 but i get an error message (OSStatus error 1119). Did you have Xcode 11 running in the background when you updated to iOS 13? Some people say you need both to update to iOS 13.

Go to the Download page, select the restore image button, and select the iPhone you have,

You need to go into Finder, On the left hand side is where your phone is listed click on it there be an option to software update, simply hold option on keyboard and click check for update select the downloaed file, and there you have it!

I don’t have to download macOS 10.15 to download Xcode 11?

I also got problems by trying to install beta on mac os 10.15. When I use Option button and search for updates, I wanted do open the ios 13 ispw, but after that my finder got a black screen..

i have no idea how to download ios 13 can anyone help