Finder goes blank in Catalina on iOS 13 install

I've seen limited reports of this on reddit and elsewhere.

When trying to install the first beta on either an iPhone XS or an iPad Pro 2018, the finder window containing the i(OS|PadOS) view immediately goes blank after selecting the beta IPSW following an option press of Update. The devices stay connected to the Mac running Catalina, and I can see their console log output continue to stream.

Anyone have the same issue?

Anyone have any suggestions?

I have exactly the same issue. Tried both with iPad OS and iOS.

I'm having this exact same issue so if you find out a solution please post it here.

I've managed to install it via Configurator 2. Just dran'n'drop .ipsw on device.

Same issue for me, and configurator 2 is crashing out so I can't use that unfortunately

The crash shows up in the Console with the message:

Crashing on exception: Invalid parameter not satisfying: orderingMode == _windowOrderingMode

Try installing from Configurater 2.10 Beta, from developer downloads, App section.

Has worked for me with iPhone X and iPad Pro 11"

Tried this but get the following message:

"Failed to unzip the restore bundle [ – 0xFB5 (4021)]"

What should I try now? Can't get Finder to move past the option>Update step. I continue to get a blank screen and nothing happens.

Thank you that was just to easy

Did you restore it from a used iPhone or did you factory reset it before?

Try reinstalling MacOS that fixed my issue but other issues will happen.

Configurator 2 beta is giving an error on both devices:

Failed to unzip the restore bundle [ – 0xFB5 (4021)]

Existing devices, not a wipe/restore.

Did this work on the first try? I am in the same perdicament as listed above but I do not want to reinstall if you don't think it would work. I installed everything. xCode 11, ios 13 image, Mac OS Catalina, Finder crashes every single time I try to update. Doesn't even respond just goes into a dark screen. No error message, nothing.

I had the same problem trying install ios 13 on mac os 10.15. It doesn‘t work. I removed 10.15 and installed Xcode 11 beta and run it completly. Then I could install ios 13 with iTunes and it works!

DId you overcome this issue? I am still facing the error and could not update ios13 using configurator. And if I use finder, after selecting the ipsw file, it goes blank. I have updated mac os and also have Xcode 11 beta. If re installing OS works, how to reinstall OS as I have got the most updated one currently?

Nope, issue persists.

I had the exact same problem, finder blank window nothing happened after selection of the ispw file.

Tried configurator beta and everything else, in the end this worked:

I created another account on my macbook and did the update with this user.

Finder goes blank in Catalina on iOS 13 install