System Preferences Locked?

After installing Catalina I can't make any changes in System Preferences to


Internet Accounts


Security and Privacy

without getting a "There was an error in ____________ preferences" message

Anyone else having this issue?


Yes i cannot get into my volume control because of the “error” in fact i cannot control my volume at all

Same here. Nothing that requires authentication will work.

This doesn't happen on my macbook pro though. It was a fairly pristine Mojave when I installed the beta.

same here((((

Same. Looks like this line consistently comes up in crashes:

default09:17:37.490118-0400coreauthdConnection invalidated: <NSXPCConnection: 0x7fbb24b28020> connection on mach service named from pid 219 hash: 24b28020

Same here, unable to change security preferences, apple id settings or anything else that requires an administrator password. It just gives me a "Preferences Error" and tells me that "There was an error in Security & Privacy preferences."

turn off reduce motion from accessibility panel.

This may not be much of a fix but I was having the same problem on my mid-2017 Air. I reverted to Mojave (for other reasons) and re-upgraded and no longer have this problem. Wonder if it's a common problem but random?


This worked for me! Glad you found the 'fix'!!!!

Thank you. It works for me. 🙂

This worked for me, I was still running into this problem when trying to update to beta 6.

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