Oracle VirtualBox 6.0.8 Won't Install on 10.14.5 (18F132)

I am up to date on my Mojave 10.14.5 beta.

VirtualBox 6.0 alert informed me of updated version available.

Attempted install of the update VirtualBox-6.0.8-130520-OSX.dmg failed (see below)

VMware Fusion for Mac seems to be OK though.


I've got the same issue. Installation failed. My security & privacy settings are all properly set.

Same issue. Can't install 6.x and 5.x.

I found this solution:

Basically do this

1. Restart your mac in Recovery mode (cmd + R)

2. Then open a Terminal and enter :

spctl kext-consent add VB5E2TV963

3. Restart your mac

VB5E2TV963 is oracles developer id (...)

The "Problem" is that Apple tightened security when using 3rd Party software...

This worked for me with VB 6.0.8 and Windows 10 (and Windows 2000 for testing)

You saved my day with this