USDZ model is too dark in AR Quick look

I'm trying to convert an obj model to usdz using onnly a color_map

xcrun usdz_converter Kudde_v03/Kudde_v03.obj ./Kudde_flower_2048.usdz -color_map Final_test_1/Textures/2048/Kudde_2048_flower_lagoon_color_map.png -normal_map Final_test_1/Textures/2048/Kudde_2048_normal_map.png -v

The model is converted fine and looks ok in Quick Look on my mac but when I look at it in Quick Look on my iPhone the model is too dark.

If I open the obj file in XCode and SceneKit the model also looks fine after applying the color map to the diffuse option.

It's like the lighting is all wrong in Quick look on iPhone. The issue is there in both object mode and AR mode.

This is what i looks like on iPhone X Quick look (The preview in the Files app looks fine)

and using quick look on my mac

Using Xcode

Heres my verbose output.

Version: 1.009

-v: Verbose output

  Transform: /Kudde_v03
  Transform: /Kudde_v03/Geom
  GeomMesh: /Kudde_v03/Geom/ZBrush_defualt_group
  bound material: /Kudde_v03/Materials/default
  Replacing material
  unbind material: /Kudde_v03/Materials/default
  Binding to material /Kudde_v03/Materials/StingrayPBS_0
  GeomScope: /Kudde_v03/Materials
  ShadeMaterial: /Kudde_v03/Materials/default
  ShadeMaterial: /Kudde_v03/Materials/StingrayPBS_0
  ShadeShader: /Kudde_v03/Materials/StingrayPBS_0/pbr
  ShadeShader: /Kudde_v03/Materials/StingrayPBS_0/Primvar
  ShadeShader: /Kudde_v03/Materials/StingrayPBS_0/color_map
  ShadeShader: /Kudde_v03/Materials/StingrayPBS_0/normal_map
  ShadeShader: /Kudde_v03/Materials/StingrayPBS_0/ao_map
  ShadeShader: /Kudde_v03/Materials/StingrayPBS_0/emissive_map
  ShadeShader: /Kudde_v03/Materials/StingrayPBS_0/metallic_map
  ShadeShader: /Kudde_v03/Materials/StingrayPBS_0/roughness_map

Any ides on what's going on here?

Or how I can get my models to not be too dark in the phone?

I managed to solve it by adding an empty (a black image) to the -metallic_map option when converting the model

I was experiencing a similiar problem with a trivial scene. At WWDC19 I sat down with one of the engineers and he guided me through the underlying problems of the old tool and suggested using the newly released usdztool which solved the problem. For developers it can be found here: Download usdz tools

Adding black metallic map does not solve the problem anymore nor exporting with usdzexport v 0.64. Models are still darker in AR.
Hi this problem of dark rendering of textures makes the engine inaccurate in design visualization or e-commerce. Any eta on when this could be resolved? This should be the top problem to fix in the engine.

Still hasn't been solved, I'm still experiencing the same problem. Any solutions yet?

Hi, I believe this is a known issue, but it would be great if you could file a bug report on feedback assistant. If you do, please post the feedback ID here and I can send it to the RealityKit team.

I reported a bug with the feedback ID FB9919506

hello everyone any update ?

The problem is in present even in USDZ files created by Apple and displayed in AR Quick Look. It's sad that the problem has remained for so many years.

Below you see a screen shot of the Apple Tea cup demo USDZ in AR Quick Look on an iPhone 12 Max running iOS 15.5. Below that is the AR view in a 5500K lightbox with an Apple mouse on a white sheet of paper for reference. 'nuff said.

It's been literally years and this still hasn't been figured out - not even a workaround. There must surely been someone in the AR team at Apple working on this.

This is such an incredible collection of technologies and currently let down at the final hurdle

So it's a bit hacky to say the least but I've found a solution - In Reality Converter I just added my diffuse map that I had exported from Blender into both the diffuse AND the emission - It looks blown out in Reality Converter / Composer & Xcode but looks right (to my eye at least) in AR Quick look and my app! If it's too bright for you, at least you now how an easy way to control the brightness (copy your diffuse map, save it as an emission map and adjust the exposure in Photoshop to taste)

Any update on this? Would be nice if reality composer pro solved this but I doubt it because it is quick look problem I think...

Was facing a similar issue in the VisionOS simulator, the placed AR models were darker.

Solution: Device (Menu Bar) -> Erase all contents and settings Restart the simulator and run the app.

Still facing the same issue, any news about?

USDZ model is too dark in AR Quick look