Render scene without camera background?


I under stand how to use ARCamera to get the captured camera image, and how to use the renderer snapshot to get the whole scene content with the camera image.

Is it posible to render an image with ONLY the scene content, without the camera image? I would like to capture the camera image, and the content separatley and then combine them back in a window with a slider that lets the user fade the virtual content in and out - at this point the ARSession is not running.



Did you find a solution for this problem Michael? I am also looking to get an ARKit frame image without the camera background for other purposes in our app.



ARView and ARSCNView automatically draw the camera backdrop to make it easy to render your AR experience. You can always choose to do your own rendering to fit your use case. ARFrame contains all properties (camera transform, anchor transforms, the capturedImage, etc.) to do so. This could either be entirely custom rendering using a Metal view, or by using a non-AR 3D view (ARView with .nonAR camera option, or plain SCNView). You would then need to manually update the virtual camera on every frame based on