Users Report Getting Charged for Free App

I'm currently running an ad on facebook that uses their native link to the App Store listing for my app. I've had two people comment on the ad that they've been charged for the app. One person said:

"I downloaded and loaded pictures of all my horses and their info...set out on my daily rides and I will be dam! A message appears on screen to pay up a monthly fee to track my rides. If you stated it was free than make the freakin APP free. I don’t have time for this crap! I will ride without tracking my rides!"

And then last night someone else said:

"I was charged 13.90 when I downloaded it and it never stated there was a fee at all. Idk how to get my refund. I stopped the download process but I’m still being charged."

I've been in touch with both people via facebook to try to figure out what's going on. My app is set to free, and it doesn't have any in-app purchases. My App Store Connect doesn't show any sales. I don't know what's going on, or what to tell these people. Has anyone else ever experienced this?


Sounds like they're trying to bleed you....don't fall for it.

Someone wants a refund, tell them to contact Apple, not you.

Otherwise, why did you choose the Apple Pay forum?