When I run an archived copy of my mac application on a test dev machine (not my main dev box) I see errors in the Console log that trouble me...
1) I see this error immediately before any of my code executes!
error 16:14:25.839821 -0700 [MYAPPNAME] Couldn't read values in CFPrefsPlistSource<0x6000000ed280> (Domain: [MYAPPBUNDLEID], User: kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, ByHost: No, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: Yes): accessing preferences outside an application's container requires user-preference-read or file-read-data sandbox access, detaching from cfprefsd
I open my standard defaults (a .plist) in -awakeFromNib like so:
NSUserDefaults *ud = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
[ud registerDefaults:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfFile:[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"WhodoMacOSDefaults" ofType:@"plist"]]];
[ud setObject:launch_Date forKey:kKudosLaunchDate];
This activity throws 2 of these errors in the console:
error 16:14:26.429881 -0700 [MYAPPNAME] attempt to set <private> for key in <private> in non-persistent preferences domain CFPrefsPlistSource<0x6000000ed280> (Domain: [MYAPPBUNDLEID], User: kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, ByHost: No, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: Yes)
Then subsequently every 'set' for NSUserDefaults throw another of these into the console log...
Nothing fancy going on in this app: no app groups, no iCloud, no hardened runtime...
I don't see a 'user-preference-read' option in the standard entitlement document.
Am I missing some basic conguration setting?
Is this all just a by-product of running a 'development' archive?
Any thoughts appreciated!