MapKit JS Annotation load performace


We are trying to use the MapKit JS library to present a world map with around 2000 Marker annotations. We've added our own custom glyph as well as enable cluster annotations.

We take a similar approach on our iOS app and the documentation there suggests to immediately load all annotations and not try to load them based on the region view. This works great on iOS but when using the mapkit.addAnnotations(annotations) on MapKit JS it takes a really long time to initialise the annotations (+/- 5 to 10 seconds).

I've removed the callout, custom glyph and cluster annotations from our marker annotation but this doesn't seem to affect the load performance at all. Does anyone have experience using MapKit JS with 2000 or more annotations and run into similar performance issues?



I have same issue.

I am working on showing 5000+ annotations.

But also I am having really bad performance.

Was able to solve this issue?

Thank you.


I have the same issue.

Very poor performance with more than 2000 annotations.

Is there already a solution?

Thank you all.

I have the same issue - still looking for a solution!
Instead of Annotation, consider MarkerAnnotation or ImageAnnotation which could be more performant.

For use case like data visualization, consider render many CircularOverlay instances.

Feel free to submit developer feedback if there are specific sample codes that could result in subpar performance.

I'm having the same issue and I have done two web pages examples one using Google Maps and another using MapKit JS exactly with the same datapoint and using on MapKit JS MarkerAnnotation following the suggestion on this trend.

The diference in performance it's of several orders of magnitude in favor of Google.

The use case its the same in both - reading a Json web php with datapoints ...

In MapKit JS I'm doing :
Code Block
function displayLocation(map, location) {
var coordinates = new mapkit.Coordinate(parseFloat(, parseFloat(location.lng));
var annotation = new mapkit.MarkerAnnotation(coordinates, {
title: location.device,
subtitle: location.time ,
color: 'red'

In my opinion the performance should be at least the same ... Any comments ?
MapKit JS Annotation load performace