API for app analytics

Hi, I working on a programmatical solution to collect all the App Store data. The api is working fine, I can collect the sales/finance reports. However, I also want to collect information about the impressions, product page views etc. (App analytics) Is this not possible at the moment, or is the documentation lacking this information? Thanks in advance

We're also interested in this, so would love to know what you find!


Also interested in the availability of the above-mentioned functionality. Thanks in advance.


I can't find a way to automate analytics reporting (downloads/installs, uninstalls, ratings, devices, OSs, etc.). Is there any?

Does Apple even have a mechanism to download App Analytics data using an API? I have gone through App Store Connect API documentation but there does not seems to be any end point for App Analytics. There are end points for Sales and Finance report.
Any idea how we can download App Analytics programmatically?

Hi, I am also looking for the same. Please share if someone has found a solution for this.

We are also interested in this. Any updates?


Have you found a solution to this? I'm looking to do something similar and the api document is not very helpful.

I made a ticket about this issue to their customer support and they told me that it is not possible to get the App Analytics data via API. Bummer

Any news about this?
same here
Same here!

Same here

Same here

Any news?

I can get analytics data from API but I do not how I can get "dqsid"? I take it from the browser cookie but I want to get "dqsid" param from API. Do you have any ideas?

import requests
import json

url = "https://appstoreconnect.apple.com/analytics/api/v1/data/time-series"
adamId = "0000000000" # App ID
measures = "installs" # or "impressionsTotalUnique"

cookie_dqsid = "dqsid=ey...." # ?????

payload = json.dumps({
  "adamId": [adamId],
  "measures": [measures],
  "frequency": "day",
  "startTime": "2021-10-16T00:00:00Z",
  "endTime": "2021-11-14T00:00:00Z",
  "group": {
    "metric": measures,
    "dimension": "source",
    "rank": "DESCENDING",
    "limit": 100

headers = {
  'Host': 'appstoreconnect.apple.com',
  'X-Requested-By': 'dev.apple.com',
  'Cookie': cookie_dqsid,
  'Content-Type': 'application/json'

response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data=payload, allow_redirects=False)


Any news on this topic?

Any news on how to get downloads data?

Any news about this? Seems like a highly requested feature

Any news ?

Any updates about this?

Thank you @DimasRu - works great. Any idea how to apply filters as well?

@lanquinp inspect the web-page, got to Application, cookies and you will see the field dqsid

@lanquinp you need to add the prefix "dqsid=...." before the actual value.

No way I can see to pull programmatically. Let me know if you figure it out.

Hi! I found a way to get this data automatically, however I am using a bot to connect to AppStoreConnect so it is not a scalable solution. You can find it here: https://github.com/L1ttleFinger/Apple_Scraping

API for app analytics