How to load animations made in Blender to ARKit?

I made a 3D object in Blender and made some custom animation to it. However, I manage to load the object to the scene, but not the animation.

I was searching about "How to load custom animations in ARKit", but couldn't find anything besides this link:

In there it tells you how to download and play some animations with Mixamo, but I want to load the animations that I made in Blender.

Just for the record, I'm new in this field of ARKit programming and I'm learning by myself.

Any suggestions? Thanks in advance!


Here is a simple way that you can get keyframe animated models from Blender into Scenekit:

1. Export your model from Blender as a .dae, it is very important that you set the transformation type in the export settings to "TransRotLoc".

2. Import your .dae file into your Xcode project. At this point, you should be able to see your animation playing in the scene editor.

3. It would be beneficial to convert your model to .scn at this point, with your .dae selected, go to Editor -> Convert to SceneKit scene file format (.scn)

Does this works also with multiple animation on the same file?

Suppose i have animation for walk, run, fall, etc. etc., how can i separate them?

You are a hero. Thank you tremendously for this solution, you have enabled me to seriously improve my AR experinces.

You can also check this article it has very detailed process of handling Blender export and animations
How to load animations made in Blender to ARKit?