XCode 10.2 FaceID not working anymore

I can't use FaceID anymore in the Simulator after installing XCode 10.2

Clicking the menu item Face ID > Enrolled has no effect. The menu item isn't getting the usual checkmark.

Any idea what could cause this problem?

I already tried it with the 12.1 Simulator and restarted my system. No changes :-(

The same issue happens with older devices. Enrolling Touch ID isn't working either.

I have XCode 10.2 and Simulator 10.2, and I'm experiencing the same issue. I'm not able to enroll my simulator in Face ID. This is very frustrating 😟

Did you find a solution RonnyFenrich?

Having the same issue since the upgrade to XCode 10.2... unable to enroll faceid or touchid - any solution or workaround?

With the patch 10.2.1, I still have the problem where the checkmark doesn't appear when I choose Hardware > FaceID > Enrolled (or TouchID); however the feature seems to be enabled and am able to use it with no issues. Use the matching and non-matching options to authenticate/fail accordingly.

It appears to be an UI issue where the checkmark doesn't appear when the feature is enabled.

Same issue here, clicking `enrolled` does something but it's not actually working properly. The tick doesn't stick on the dropdown.
I'm using the `react-native-touch-id` module and after "clicking on Face ID -> enroll" the app crashes when trying to use the `authenticate` method.

I am experiencing the same issue. If anyone has found a solution or how to successfully enable Face ID, would you post back?

XCode 10.2 FaceID not working anymore