I'm developing a quick look preview extension for spotlight index items, referencing the example app in https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2017/231/
I could create searchable spotlight items, but the preview shows nothing when I select an item from the spotlight search list. Console.app shows no error messages. The view controller implementing QLPreviewingController does not seem to be used.
So, How can I debug what's wrong with the preview extension?
Here's one thing I could check:
"pluginkit -mAvvv -p com.apple.quicklook.preview" shows my extension as follows.
Path = /Users/conanoc/Desktop/Whale.app/Contents/Plugins/spotlight_preview.appex
UUID = 96388BDF-F937-4DC0-9DDE-52640AE137DC
Timestamp = 2019-03-15 06:30:24 +0000
SDK = com.apple.quicklook.preview
Parent Bundle = /Users/conanoc/Desktop/Whale.app
Display Name = Whale Preview
Short Name = spotlight_preview
Parent Name = Whale