Provisioning profile doesn't include the application-identifier and keychain-access-groups entitlements

Out of nowhere today, I got this error when I try to build my app for a device but not when I try to run a simulator

Automatic signing is unable to resolve an issue with the "MyAppName" target's entitlements.

Automatic signing can't add the application-identifier and keychain-access-groups entitlements to your provisioning profile. Switch to manual signing and resolve the issue by downloading a matching provisioning profile from the developer website. Alternatively, to continue using automatic signing, remove these entitlements from your entitlements file and their associated functionality from your code.

Provisioning profile "iOS Team Provisioning Profile:" doesn't include the application-identifier and keychain-access-groups entitlements.

I have looked online but have not been able to solve this, any help would be appreciated.


For me worked this procedure:

  1. Go to Signing & Capabilities
  2. Add a random Keychain Sharing
  3. Remove the Keychain Sharing
  4. Clean Project
  5. Build

Hope it helps