What should I include in my privacy policy if I use google AdMob ads?


I have an app that I want to submit that just does conversions of units, it does not store anything except user setting. But I am hoping to monetise it with google admob ads.
Now that there is some legalese we have to include, what should we add to our privacy policy for admobs, which is presumably sending up some user data?


I think in your privacy policy you need to state that your app uses Google's admob and include a pointer to the relevant Google privacy policy. Going any further would be an overstatement of your knowledge. Doing any less would be failing to provide full disclosure.

Your policy is about you, your app, the data you collect and how you handle it.

Nothing to do with anyone else's data collection, same as how Apple is doing their own collection while users are in your app, and there is zero expectation or call for you to mention their policies.

If you've given in to disclosure paranoia, add links in your policy to google's and Apple's and anyone else's software you app uses...don't quote them outright, tho, since they will change and you don't want to be out of sync or on the hook for anything out of your control. Better yet, stay in your own lane and don't risk a rejection over unnecessary content/references.