When iOS will support web push notifications?


Progressive Web Apps is a trend in 2019 and web push notifications for iOS are not supported right now.

Do you have a date for the web push support?


This feature is so important to my small business. We have opted for PWA instead of native apps to avoid the cost o managing multiple code bases, but we really need notifications!
Apple dont be party ******. Devs have wanted to use push notifications for years now!
Apple is deliberately not implementing this feature to force developers to use the app store so they can make a 30% profit.

Google and read the article "Progress Delayed Is Progress Denied" to see how far behind Safari is in PWA features.

Personally I think this is an abuse of Apple's market dominance.

Please support this!

The year is 2021, there are so many businesses hit with the pandemic and are opting to go online. Small businesses that cannot afford to have multiple codebases are unable to provide their apple mobile using customers the most essential information due to the absence of push notifications for PWA on Safari. This needs to be out and fast!

Please support this!

I think Apple has disrespected all it's users by not saying a single word about why web push notifications + deep links is not available for PWAs in iPhone. This is a simple request and a huge amount of users will benefit form it.

Apple, please stop ignoring us and say something about it. Hiding will not fix the issue.


The main reason not allowing push notification is because if they allow it then most of the developers will use this instead of native app development and App Store can not review the pwa apps because of that many security issues will come


Another one in the request wagon. Please say something, safari team.

Come on Apple, you can't stop the inevitable. Web push will come with or without you, please honor that

Me too. but I don't expect to apple's good reply and react. I'm very very think about learn to Cordova from now. thanks Apple.


+1 must have

I have been following the news for 2 years regarding push notifications on ios. During each presentation of the new version of ios, i feel like i am waiting for numbers on the Eurojackpot that never draws. :(

Please Apple, surprise us all, it will be a big win for all of us. Better than Eurojackpot. :)

Sign the petition guys:




Not even looking at it about security, privacy or even revenue for Apple. But how about battery life and wider system performance? That's a key part of how iOS keeps ahead of android. Not allowing too many background processes, etc. If they open up to PWA doing that, will end users start to blame Apple for poor user experience? How can you make sure all developers play nice and use notifications properly and not abusing users? Let's assume they allow users to set clear preferences on these, where to process these? On iCloud before they are delivered to device? But now imagine possibly billions of notifications a day (Average US smartphone user receives 46 app push notifications per day, PWA can be way more?) sent to Apple for pre-processing before delivering to users. Should Apple bear these costs when they have no control or incentive to do so? Not an easy problem to solve. That's why native apps are still needed for certain system features.

+1 for this feature

+1 enough is enough Apple

+1 I'm a developer in a low-profit social enterprise. While big commercial companies can afford maintaining several mobile apps for each platform, for us it's just too expensive. Our iOS users have much worse experience than Android ones. So as usual big business is just fine while underpaid social workers and their clients have to bear the costs of your decision.



When iOS will support web push notifications?