Access Unavailable : IOS Certificates

Access Unavailable

You currently don't have access to this membership resource. Contact your team's Account Holder, Dittapon sanitin, or an Admin.


When I change team to Enterprise for create certificate for app distribution but I cannot access this page. I have been add as Admin role but i'm not Account Holder.

Admin role in App Store Connect, or named Admin in Account/Member? Don't assume they are the same thing.


ASC User Roles:

Learn more about App Store Connect roles

Program/Member Center Roles


Apple Developer Enterprise Program

This is no longer possible. I am account holder, and can't set the check box for Certificates... Very annoying..

This resource is only for developers enrolled in a developer program or members of an organization’s team in a developer program.

Signing Certificate access was blocked a day before License expired.

Access Unavailable : IOS Certificates