I have tried my app on severals devices but some of theme show this error in Xcode console:
objc[8430]: Class DeviceType is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DeviceIdentity.framework/DeviceIdentity (0x1b36a3908) and /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/669AA1E2-7EC3-45B7-B4A2-BA187FC99643/app3.app/Frameworks/PVModel.framework/PVModel (0x101cfe6a0). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
I believe that the `/System..` directory dose not have anything to do with my app and Xcode should not be looking class there.
I tried to set the search path in Xcode build settings, but the error still shows up
How can I answer to this "Which one is undefined." ? How can specify which one to be used ?
Or how can I prohibite Xcode from searching into directories outside the app bundle?