I have tried my app on severals devices but some of theme show this error in Xcode console:objc[8430]: Class DeviceType is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DeviceIdentity.framework/DeviceIdentity (0x1b36a3908) and /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/669AA1E2-7EC3-45B7-B4A2-BA187FC99643/app3.app/Frameworks/PVModel.framework/PVModel (0x101cfe6a0). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.I believe that the `/System..` directory dose not have anything to do with my app and Xcode should not be looking class there.I tried to set the search path in Xcode build settings, but the error still shows upHow can I answer to this "Which one is undefined." ? How can specify which one to be used ?Or how can I prohibite Xcode from searching into directories outside the app bundle?