BLE Beacon Advertising


I strictly want to transmit a uuid while in the background without making any 2-way communication or connections.

I am working on a phone application where the phone will be advertising a BLE IBeacon. This advertising needs to continue when the app is in the background. Reading the documentation there is not a whole lot of information about advertising beacons. The majority of the content is about scanning and ranging. Is there anyone else out there that is using the Phone as a BLE IBeacon to advertise in the background while in an advertise mode and not in a connected mode? Will it be possible to advertise an ibeacon in the background with no limitations when not connected to another device?



Due to a number of limitations on BLE advertising when an app is in the background, apps cannot advertise as iBeacons.

Is this something that could be look at again and be allowed in the near future?

By any chance could you explain to me the limitations of BLE advertising in the background?

BLE advertising is very low on batter consumption when in the background and works very well on Android phones not sure what limitations could cause Apple to not allow this feature.

When a peripheral app is in the background, the advertisement packets may be shortened (by way of omitting certain data, and compressing the remainder), and the advertising interval may slow down (or even stop for some duration), depending on the state of the iOS device at the time.

When this happens, the advertisement is no longer to spec to iBeacon, and will not be recognized as such.

If you would like for Apple to consider adding support for the capability to have background apps advertise as iBeacons in the future, please submit an Enhancement Request using the Bug and Feedback Reporting tool at <>.

Although it is not guaranteed that every requested functionality will be implemented, your input is valuable, and every request is considered by the relevant teams.

Hi @Gualtier Malde, I was searching for the same requirement and found this thread. Seeing that this is 2 years old, is there an update which allows BLE Beacon advertising in background?

There has been no changes to the background behavior of BLE advertising, and the same limitations are still in place. Although suggestions on this and other matters are always welcome via Feedback Assistant (

@Gualtier, have they changed it at all in regards to iOS 15? Are there any other ways around this like run a scheduled task that sends out a ibeacon every so often?

BLE Beacon Advertising