I had run with out build.
Actually it didn't work.
I've tried many ways, but I haven't solved them.
My error is here:
<unknown>:0: error: fatal error encountered while reading from module 'portfolio'; please file a bug report with your project and the crash log
*** DESERIALIZATION FAILURE (please include this section in any bug report) ***
could not find 'init(frame:)' in parent class
0 swift 0x000000010e14064a PrintStackTraceSignalHandler(void*) + 42
1 swift 0x000000010e13fdfe SignalHandler(int) + 302
2 libsystem_platform.dylib 0x00007fff6cd5ef5a _sigtramp + 26
3 libsystem_platform.dylib 000000000000000000 _sigtramp + 2469007552
4 libsystem_c.dylib 0x00007fff6cafc1ae abort + 127
5 swift 0x000000010b5a60fb swift::ModuleFile::fatal(llvm::Error) + 1915
6 swift 0x000000010b5dd753 getSILDeclRef(swift::ModuleFile*, llvm::ArrayRef<unsigned long long>, unsigned int&) + 307
7 swift 0x000000010b5dfa94 swift::SILDeserializer::readVTable(llvm::PointerEmbeddedInt<unsigned int, 31>) + 740
8 swift 0x000000010b68684b swift::SerializedSILLoader::getAllForModule(swift::Identifier, swift::FileUnit*) + 331
9 swift 0x000000010a3d09be performCompile(swift::CompilerInstance&, swift::CompilerInvocation&, llvm::ArrayRef<char const*>, int&, swift::FrontendObserver*, swift::UnifiedStatsReporter*) + 34558
10 swift 0x000000010a3c4dc5 swift::performFrontend(llvm::ArrayRef<char const*>, char const*, void*, swift::FrontendObserver*) + 7717
11 swift 0x000000010a36aa35 main + 1349
12 libdyld.dylib 0x00007fff6ca50015 start + 1
13 libdyld.dylib 0x00000000000000c0 start + 2472214700
Stack dump:
0. Program arguments: /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/swift -frontend -merge-modules -emit-module -filelist /var/folders/r2/qhm84y4535bbnf292567t6b00000gn/T/...
1. Contents of /var/folders/r2/qhm84y4535bbnf292567t6b00000gn/T/inputs-f26b66:
2. While deserializing SIL vtable for 'BackgroundHighLightUIControl' in module 'portfolio'
error: Abort trap: 6