Let's discuss USDZ Converter in details...

I found that there is still lacking of documentation of "USDZ Converter", so I might start some kind of thread talking about this. So far I found developer 'Ash' out there has been really helpful 😎 and we are still discovering USDZ feature, gotchas and limitations along the way. There is this USD Interest group at Google Groups that is more specifically talk about USD.

A bit of information about me:

I am an independent developer, mostly using Blender 3D and XCode only. I have not touched Unity or Unreal. I have old Maya and Houdini, but installing USD plugins seems like not trivial. I did manage to have some USD tools on my Mac, but it is not optimal since I do not have NVidia graphic cards. However, USDZ Converter and the intermediate USDA file generated is pretty helpful.

A couple of interesting things:

  • Make sure your 3D mesh has UV layout, without UV the PBR will simply display black on iOS devices, although it might shows okey on MacOS when using 3D or AR Quick Look.
  • USDZ makes PBR materials and shaders linking quite easy
  • When mesh is too complex or USDZ is too big, or animation has too many objects, USDZ will not display on iOS device. Might work ok on the MacOS. There is no warning about RAM exceeding iOS.
  • Watch out for Mapping, do not use 8K image texture for now.
  • Animation seems to be supported via Alembic export, works for Transform only. No vertex, no bones, no blendshapes yet.
  • USDZ can be easily imported into XCode for 3D SceneKit. I tested it using basic AR app.
  • There is this ModelIO inside XCode that can be used to unpack USDZ, it seems, but I have not gone that far.
  • Procedural animation can be embeded into USDZ, check USD example of Spinning Top animation. It's pretty cool for turntable.

I am currently investigating:

- Materials that is not PBR, but able to display color, is this possible? Because often time I just need Material with simple Color

- Can we have Lights inside USDZ?

Answered by DTS Engineer in 364982022

The usdz Tools found at https://developer.apple.com/augmented-reality/quick-look/, currently support .obj and .gltf

Hey jackhhchan!
I got the same error, making a major mistake. The used USD Pipeline (https://github.com/PixarAnimationStudios/USD) is precompiled on MacOS. So you have to build USD on your Linux OS (or Windows...) first (see README.md on above GitHub Repo). Copy the created USDPython/lib and replace the USD/lib. After that you will be able to use usdzconvert on your OS.
Better late than never. :-)

Thanks for input. How's the current state of things? I am particularly interested in:
a) video texture support (supposedly RealityToolkit has it now).
b) image sequence support (see this thread: https://github.com/PixarAnimationStudios/USD/issues/750)
c) possibility to have vertex color (animated in time).

I am not bound to any toolkit, can be Reality Composer, Houdini, or plain text editing of .usd(a).

Best regards
Hi VForsmann!

Could you elaborate on how you managed to run usdzconvert on Linux? I've managed to build USD on Linux, but I'm a bit lost when it comes to what to do next. What files should I import from the usdz tools from Apple? What else is necessary?

Thank you in advance,

Hello everyone, has anyone found how to convert USDZ to any other format to open it in FUSION 360?

I made a scene in Reality Composer and want to export it to Fusion 360

Let's discuss USDZ Converter in details...