Haptic feedback on iPad Pro.

I have the latest iPad PRO model.

Yet, if I try to generate haptic feedback, I feel nothing.

  feedbackGenerator = [ [ UIImpactFeedbackGenerator alloc ] initWithStyle:UIImpactFeedbackStyleHeavy ];
  [ feedbackGenerator prepare ];

And I trigger it with:

  [ feedbackGenerator impactOccurred ];

In the debugger I see that feedbackGenerator.activationCount is always zero.

Does the latest model iPad PRO support haptic feedback?

UPDATE: It does not.

Strangely enough, it doesn't work on my iPhone 6S either.

And wikipedia has that device as listed having '3D Touch' and 'Taptic.'

Sigh... what am I doing wrong?

Answered by bram in 313694022

It's a documentation bug.

It turns out that there are two "Support levels" for haptic.

Level 1 and Level 2.

The docs do not mention this.

  UIDevice* device = [ UIDevice currentDevice ];
  NSNumber* nr = [ device valueForKey:@"_feedbackSupportLevel" ];
  NSLog( @"feedback Support level %@", nr );

This is 1 nearly 1 year old, but I think it is still valid.

No 3D touch on iPad Pro.

h ttps://www.imore.com/why-ipad-pro-doesnt-have-3d-touch

Confirmed in this more recent one:

h ttps://www.imore.com/should-you-get-ipad-pro

Apple's Taptic Engine is difficult to do on an iPad for a number of reasons, largely technical — the bigger screen presents problems in effectively generating the right haptic feel, among other issues. So until Apple conquers that, we get physical buttons on the iPad.

Thanks, I switched my test device, and am now on iPhone 6S.

Still no feedback, and activation count is zero.

There is no 'Sound/Taptic' setting on this iPhone settings menu though.

UPDATE: You need haptic feedback support level 2.

iPhone6S is feedback support level 1.

  UIDevice* device = [ UIDevice currentDevice ];
  NSNumber* nr = [ device valueForKey:@"_feedbackSupportLevel" ];
  NSLog( @"feedback Support level %@", nr );

Why is this not in the docs?


Some people on stackoverflow report it working on one view controller, and not on the other.

I am guessing that haptic feedback is simply not compatible with GLKViewController, which is the view controller that I am using.

What a mess, Apple.

Someone reported that a WWDC engineer recommends delaying the call with performSelector: construct.


>Someone reported that

Rather than relying on anecdotal evidence, and assuming you have a project that demonstrates the issue, you might consider burning a support ticket w/DTS via the Member Center to confirm.

Haptic feedback on iPad Pro.