Create client-server apps by incorporating JavaScript and TVML files in your binary app using TVMLKit.

Posts under TVMLKit tag

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TVML apps cause memory leaks
Hi all ! I have been working a while in this issue , first i started instrumenting our product trying to remove all dependency that can be causing retain memory until the app source only contains the AppDelegate and the TVApplicationController delegates implementation loading the TVML App and the Javascript context. After that i just realise that any TVOS app using TVMLKit retain memory without cause and that eventually will provoque a CRASH exception because the device it will run outs memory. I realise that by implementing a Hello World TVML App and doing MemoryLeaks instrument measurements and is imposible to know where is the source of this memory retentions when the app start. ** For the folks of Apple Developer Technical Support (DTS) : ** Case ID : 3279774 Apple Feedback link : Anyone else seeing this issue? We have all our customers impacted by this problem
Aug ’23
TVML Player JS start playing delay content behind the current LIVE timestamp
Hi all ! I have been working a while on this problem . Turns out some of our customers when playing LIVE HLS content through a TVML Application using the standard Player JS API , for some channels the content start playing 5 mins before live timestamp witch is an unexpected behavior using this Player API. As a developer , i took the channels customer content and implement 2 Sample tvOS Apps : By using Fairplay + AVPlayerController , all native implementation and the issue is not reproducible . By using FairPlay + Player JS API , a TVML Sample implementation and the issue i always reproducible. **For the folks of Apple Developer Technical Support (DTS) : ** Case ID : 3280424 Apple Feedback link : Anyone else seeing this issue?
Aug ’23
TVML Basic and Technical Questions from TVML Rookie
Hi Guys, I did lot of iOS, tvOS and macOS developemnt with UIKit and SwiftUI, but TVML appears to have really steep learning curve. When searching online and in this forum, posts are 7 years old and most often there are no replies. Is TVML something already obsolete and abandoned by Apple? Does it make sense to try quickly building streaming app using TVML? Is it better to start in SwiftUI and build templates from scratch and forget about TVML? What's nice that I can quickly build a page with collections of videos, however I struggle for several hours to do the simplest thing like adding a simple element with title, subtitle and play button. Why this doesn't display anything inside stackTemplate? <banner> <stack> <title>My Title</title> </stack> </banner> Why this doesn't display anything inside stackTemplate? <collectionList> <shelf id="row0"> <section binding="items:{videos}"> <prototypes> <lockup prototype="play" videoURL="" > <title style="margin: 20; color: white; font-size: 60" binding="textContent:{title}"/> </lockup> </prototypes> </section> </shelf> If I add image to the loclkup element, it works and displays image and title. But if I want to add only title and subtitle and play button, it doesn't work. Is img manadatory inside lockup element? In documentation I cannot find, which subelement is mandatory and which is optional. Why cannot I add stack element as a prototype into the section element? Although I'm a native developer and don't really like HTML, I thought that TVML works in a similar way and I can add almost any element into any other element, like building HTML and TVML platform will stack up UI elements based on that. However it appears to be severely limited. Rules for even a basic element inside another layout element are so strict that I cannot tell ahead if it's going to work. Why doesn't it at least display elements that are defined correctly? Usually when one of the elements is invalid, then the whole section or shelf or container in general is hidden from view. It's impossible to build UI from the ground up. For example I thought I could add lockup element with title, see how it looks, than add subtitle and continue adding elements one by one. However if lockup with title simply doesn't display at all, I cannot figure out what's wrong, there is no error message in the console. Documentation is insufficient, it's not possible to figure out from that how each TVML UI elements works, what's mandatory and what's optional, sometimes I was actually add element inside another element even though docs didn't say it's possible. Like adding stack to some element, which I no longer rememeber. Is it possible to debug TVML somehow? Is it possible to debug JS in Xcode? Is there any TVML preview like in case of xib or SwiftUI? So far I always have to rebuild the app and look in the simulator screen. But often it caches the results and I have to delete the app from simulator, clean the build and rebuild again. It's very time consuming. Is there nay way to clear the cache (hot key)? Thanks.
Jul ’23
Cannot play videos on tvOS 16.
What is causing the problem with the app and how should I approach the solution? I have taken over the development of a video viewing application that runs on tvOS. Recently, a user reported that he could not play videos on tvOS 16. I built the application in xcode and tried to play the video on tvOS 16.4 in simulator. Then a symbol similar to 🚫 appeared on the video player and the video could not be played. UIKit and TVML Kit JS are used in the source code. Video source is HLS with H.264 codec When playback failed, Xcode displayed the following error message. 023-05-26 12:59:58.477905+0900 hoge_tvOS[35421:14197398] [LayoutConstraints] Unable to simultaneously satisfy constraints. Probably at least one of the constraints in the following list is one you don't want. Try this: (1) look at each constraint and try to figure out which you don't expect; (2) find the code that added the unwanted constraint or constraints and fix it. ( "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x6000007080a0 H:|-(95)-[UIStackView:0x155247910] (active, names: '|':UIView:0x155247770 )>", "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x6000007082d0 UIStackView:0x155247910.trailing == UIView:0x155247770.trailing - 95 (active)>", "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x6000007f38e0 H:|-(0)-[UIView:0x155247770] (active, names: '|':_AVFocusContainerView:0x151d431f0 )>", "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x6000007f3930 UIView:0x155247770.trailing == _AVFocusContainerView:0x151d431f0.trailing (active)>", "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x60000070b1b0 '_UITemporaryLayoutWidth' _AVFocusContainerView:0x151d431f0.width == 0 (active)>" ) Will attempt to recover by breaking constraint <NSLayoutConstraint:0x6000007082d0 UIStackView:0x155247910.trailing == UIView:0x155247770.trailing - 95 (active)> Make a symbolic breakpoint at UIViewAlertForUnsatisfiableConstraints to catch this in the debugger. The methods in the UIConstraintBasedLayoutDebugging category on UIView listed in <UIKitCore/UIView.h> may also be helpful. I have confirmed in the past that it can be played on tvOS 14. Thanks for reading.
Jul ’23