Intelligently educate your users about the right features at the right time with TipKit

Posts under TipKit tag

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Popover tips not affected by tip view modifiers
Tips presented using the popoverTip view modifier can't be styled using other tip view modifiers (as of beta 8). For instance, the last two modifiers don't have any effect here: Image(systemName: "wand.and.stars") .popoverTip(tip) .tipBackground(.red) .tipCornerRadius(30) It will look like this: Whereas applying the same modifiers to a TipView changes its look: TipView(tip, arrowEdge: .bottom) .tipBackground(.red) .tipCornerRadius(30) Is this intended behavior? How can we change the appearance of popup tips?
Sep ’23
TipKit: showing a popover tip on a SwiftUI toolbar button
Hi folks, there's currently a known issue in TipKit due to which it won't show popover tips on buttons that are inside a SwiftUI ToolbarItem. For example, if you try this code, the popover tip will not appear: ToolbarItem { Button(action: {...}) { Label("Tap here", systemImage: "gear") } .popoverTip(sampleTip) } There's an easy workaround for this issue. Just apply a style to the button. It can be any style. Some examples are bordered, borderless, plain and borderedProminent. Here's a fixed version of the above code: ToolbarItem { Button(action: {...}) { Label("Tap here", systemImage: "gear") } .buttonStyle(.plain) // Adding this line fixes the issue. .popoverTip(sampleTip) } Hope this helps anyone running into this issue.
More control of TipKit arrow locations
Hello! Based on the lack of forum posts, I think I'm one of the first people to really be diving into TipKit. :) I'm trying to use a tip to coax users toward a button in the toolbar of a NavigationView. The docs say to put the TipView "close to the content", but the best I can do for the NavigationView toolbar is to put it in one of the views inside the Navigation View itself. I'm using a TipView with an arrowEdge: .top parameter, which results in this: I'd love to be able to move the arrow tip under the plus button. Is that possible in this early beta stage? Do I need to restructure my view hierarchy somehow?
Jul ’24