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ScreenCaptureKit brings high-performance screen capture, including audio and video, to macOS.

Posts under ScreenCaptureKit tag

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Presenter overlay causes AVAssetWriter failure
I work on a screen recorder app and having issues with the new presenter overlay mode on macOS 14. Switching to the "Small" overlay is fine, but switching to the "Large" overlay mode causes our AVAssetWriter to fail every time with the following error: Error Domain=AVFoundationErrorDomain Code=-11800 "The operation could not be completed" UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=An unknown error occurred (-16364), NSLocalizedDescription=The operation could not be completed, NSUnderlyingError=0x6000028729a0 {Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-16364 "(null)"}} which doesn't provide any helpful information. I'm not sure if we're doing something wrong, but I've tried to reduce our code as much as possible and still get the crash. I'm not sure if anyone has any clues or is experiencing the same thing? Alternatively, is there a way to disable presenter overlay until it's fixed? Our app displays a camera and uses ScreenCaptureKit to record the screen along with the camera, which automatically enables presenter overlay options. I can't find any way to opt-out or turn off the presenter overlay options which is a bummer. That seems like it should be controllable from either the AVCaptureSession or SCStreamConfiguration
Oct ’23
Issue with ScreenCaptureKit Performance(After Sonoma updates)
I'm encountering performance degradation with my application that utilizes ScreenCaptureKit. Even after explicitly disabling App Nap using the NSAppSleepDisabled key, the problem persists. My application, which relies heavily on ScreenCaptureKit for its core functionality, experiences significant performance drops after running for a short period. When I click on the application, the performance momentarily returns to normal but quickly deteriorates again. I've checked for memory leaks in my application and haven't found any issues in that regard. Has anyone experienced similar performance issues with ScreenCaptureKit? I'm keen to know if there are any known bugs or workarounds to mitigate this problem.
Oct ’23
Is there a delegate for the stop sharing button in Sonoma?
Hey team -- looking to receive a delegate callback in Sonoma for screencapturekit when the toolbar portion of stop sharing is called. Does this come through in any of these? /** @abstract stream :didStopStreamWithError: @param stream the SCStream object @param error the error denoted by the stopping of the stream @discussion notifies the delegate that the stream has stopped and the error associated with it */ optional func stream(_ stream: SCStream, didStopWithError error: Error) /** @abstract outputVideoEffectDidStartForStream: @param stream the SCStream object @discussion notifies the delegate that the stream's overlay video effect has started. */ @available(macOS 14.0, *) optional func outputVideoEffectDidStart(for stream: SCStream) /** @abstract stream:outputVideoEffectDidStart: @param stream the SCStream object @discussion notifies the delegate that the stream's overlay video effect has stopped. */ @available(macOS 14.0, *) optional func outputVideoEffectDidStop(for stream: SCStream)
Sep ’23
ScreenCaptureKit - Sample project need obtain screen recording permissions every time.
Get screen recording permission window show every time when I run the ScreenCaptureKit sample project on macOS Sonoma Beta5: Even though I've already provided permissions in the screen recording permissions: This box keeps popping up, and until I remove the old recorded "CaptureSample" screen-recording permissions in "System Settings->Screen Recording" and add them again, it won't be able to record. This issue happens many times a day! Does anyone know how to fix it? Thanks~
Sep ’23
Is it possible to get only audio from ScreenCaptureKit?
I'm creating app that listening other app's sound. in this use case, screen data is not needed. but if I don't call SCStream#addStreamOutput(_, type: .screen, ...), console shows this error: [ERROR] _SCStream_RemoteVideoQueueOperationHandlerWithError:701 stream output NOT found. Dropping frame currently I'm setting SCStreamConfiguration#minimumFrameInterval to large value (e.g. 0.1fps) as workaround, but it would be good if i can completely disable screen capture for best performance. there is any way to disable screen capture and only captures apps audio?
Sep ’23
Screen recording- ScreenCaptureKit or AVFoundation?
Hi! I am building a Mac swift app to make screen recordings. I want to be able to record all the screen, a window or an area of the screen. I am very new to swift and am not sure if I should be using AVCaptureSession or SCScreenCaptureSession. I am trying to understand the differences and when I should use one over the other can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks!
Aug ’23
ScreenCaptureKit - Sample project doesn't work on macOS Sonoma
I'm getting this error when I try to run the ScreenCaptureKit sample project on macOS Sonoma: [ERROR] _SCStream_RemoteAudioQueueOperationHandlerWithError:1,053 streamOutput NOT found. Dropping frame [ERROR] _SCStream_RemoteVideoQueueOperationHandlerWithError:1,020 stream output NOT found. Dropping frame Both streamOutput are being set like this: try stream?.addStreamOutput(streamOutput, type: .screen, sampleHandlerQueue: videoSampleBufferQueue) try stream?.addStreamOutput(streamOutput, type: .audio, sampleHandlerQueue: audioSampleBufferQueue) Link to sample project Any idea of what is causing this?
Aug ’23
SCFilter does not support multiple windows as the target source
SCFilter in ScreenCaptureKit has 5 methods to select the capture target. Only one method initWithDesktopIndependentWindow: accepts one SCWindow as its capture target. The other four methods target one SCDisplay and extra SCRunningApplication or SCWindow combinations to filter out items by their criteria. Compared to the old API to capture windows or displays snapshots: CGImageRef CGWindowListCreateImage(CGRect screenBounds, CGWindowListOption listOption, CGWindowID windowID, CGWindowImageOption imageOption); CGImageRef CGWindowListCreateImageFromArray(CGRect screenBounds, CFArrayRef windowArray, CGWindowImageOption imageOption); The second method accepts an array of CGWindowID, so the result is a composite image formed from these windows. Will Apple provide a substitute in SCFilter for this method in the future?
Jul ’23
SCScreenshotManager puts artifacts in window title bar
Hello, Our macOS app ( takes periodic screenshots when it runs, and does so in the background without user intervention. Back on macOS 13 and earlier, we were using CGImage(windowListFromArrayScreenBounds:...) to do this. Now that there's a nice new way to do this in macOS 14 with ScreenCaptureKit's SCScreenshotManager, we tried moving to SCKit. Unfortunately, SCScreenshotManager displays purple icons in the title bars of all windows that it captures. For our purposes, this results in constant flickering icons in all window title bars while our app is running. I couldn't find a way to control this behavior. Am I missing something? Is it possible to use SCKit to take screenshots without showing these icons in window title bars? Thanks!
Jun ’23