Game Porting Toolkit

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Provides an emulation environment to run your existing, unmodified Windows game on the Mac.

Posts under Game Porting Toolkit tag

48 Posts
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Game Porting Toolkit Install Issues
I'm running into an issue when trying to install the toolkit. Below is what I'm seeing when trying to install. Error: Cannot install under Rosetta 2 in ARM default prefix (/opt/homebrew)! To rerun under ARM use: arch -arm64 brew install ... To install under x86_64, install Homebrew into /usr/local. I used the path in the instructions "/usr/local/bin/brew" and I keep getting errors when I get to the Wine install portion. Any help would be appreciated.
Jun ’23
Trouble running games
Hi everyone, I succesfully installed windows version of Steam and onto my Mac with the Game Porting Toolkit (running Sonoma with Xcode 15 installed). The apps run find on their own and the games are downloaded correctly (CS:GO and Warzone); however, as soon as I try to run a game it comes up with a generic error along the lines of "error launching game". I tried launching the executable by itself but still does not open. Does anyone know what I might have missed? Will greatly appreciate your help.
Jun ’23
Getting a d3d error while trying to run a game with the Game porting toolkit.
I was trying to run Conan exiles through steam with the game porting toolkit - I know it wasn't really intended for this use, but I am curious as to what it can do and how well it can perform - but I am getting the following error not long after the intro. D3DMetal: UNSUPPORTED API: ID3D11DeviceContext::CSSetShader - NumClassInstances > 0 Could someone please help me as to what this error means and if there is any fix/workaround for it? Thank you!
Jun ’23