I'm attempting to integrate DRM into the app. I've developed a prototype, but the delegate method shouldWaitForLoadingOfRequestedResource isn't being triggered on certain devices, although it functions correctly on others. Notably, it's invoked on Apple TV 4K (3rd generation) Wi-Fi (A2737) but not on Apple TV HD (A1625). Are there any specific configurations needed to ensure this method is invoked?
let url = URL(string: RESOURCE_URL)!
// Create the asset instance and the resource loader because we will be asked
// for the license to playback DRM protected asset.
let asset = AVURLAsset(url: url)
let queue = DispatchQueue(label: CUSTOM_SERIAL_QUEUE_LABEL)
asset.resourceLoader.setDelegate(self, queue: queue)
// Create the player item and the player to play it back in.
let playerItem = AVPlayerItem(asset: asset)
let player = AVPlayer(playerItem: playerItem)
// Create a new AVPlayerViewController and pass it a reference to the player.
let controller = AVPlayerViewController()
controller.player = player
// Modally present the player and call the player's play() method when complete.
present(controller, animated: true) {
//Please note if your delegate method is not being called then you need to run on a REAL DEVICE
func resourceLoader(_ resourceLoader: AVAssetResourceLoader, shouldWaitForLoadingOfRequestedResource loadingRequest: AVAssetResourceLoadingRequest) -> Bool {
// Getting data for KSM server. Get the URL from tha manifest, we wil need it later as it
// contains the assetId required for the license request.
guard let url = loadingRequest.request.url else {
print(#function, "Unable to read URL from loadingRequest")
loadingRequest.finishLoading(with: NSError(domain: "", code: -1, userInfo: nil))
return false
// Link to your certificate on BuyDRM's side.
// Use the commented section if you want to refer the certificate from your bundle i.e. Store Locally
guard let certificateURL = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "certificate", withExtension: "der"), let certificateData = try? Data(contentsOf: certificateURL) else {
print("failed...", #function, "Unable to read the certificate data.")
loadingRequest.finishLoading(with: NSError(domain: "com.domain.error", code: -2, userInfo: nil))
return false
guard let certificateData = try? Data(contentsOf: URL(string: CERTIFICATE_URL)!) else {
print(#function, "Unable to read the certificate data.")
loadingRequest.finishLoading(with: NSError(domain: "", code: -2, userInfo: nil))
return false
// The assetId from the main/variant manifest - skd://***, the *** part. Get the SPC based on the
// already collected data i.e. certificate and the assetId
guard let contentId = url.host, let contentIdData = contentId.data(using: String.Encoding.utf8) else {
loadingRequest.finishLoading(with: NSError(domain: "", code: -3, userInfo: nil))
print(#function, "Unable to read the SPC data.")
return false
let spcData = try? loadingRequest.streamingContentKeyRequestData(forApp: certificateData, contentIdentifier: contentIdData, options: nil) else {
loadingRequest.finishLoading(with: NSError(domain: "", code: -3, userInfo: nil))
print(#function, "Unable to read the SPC data.")
return false
// Prepare to get the license i.e. CKC.
let requestUrl = CKC_URL
let stringBody = "spc=\(spcData.base64EncodedString())&assetId=\(contentId)"
let postData = NSData(data: stringBody.data(using: String.Encoding.utf8)!)
// Make the POST request with customdata set to the authentication XML.
var request = URLRequest(url: URL(string: requestUrl)!)
request.httpMethod = "POST"
request.httpBody = postData as Data
request.allHTTPHeaderFields = ["customdata" : ACCESS_TOKEN]
let configuration = URLSessionConfiguration.default
let session = URLSession(configuration: configuration)
let task = session.dataTask(with: request) { data, response, error in
if let data = data {
// The response from the KeyOS MultiKey License server may be an error inside JSON.
do {
let parsedData = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data) as! [String:Any]
let errorId = parsedData["errorid"] as! String
let errorMsg = parsedData["errormsg"] as! String
print(#function, "License request failed with an error: \(errorMsg) [\(errorId)]")
} catch let error as NSError {
print(#function, "The response may be a license. Moving on.", error)
// The response from the KeyOS MultiKey License server is Base64 encoded.
let dataRequest = loadingRequest.dataRequest!
// This command sends the CKC to the player.
dataRequest.respond(with: Data(base64Encoded: data)!)
} else {
print(#function, error?.localizedDescription ?? "Error during CKC request.")
// Tell the AVPlayer instance to wait. We are working on getting what it wants.
return true
FairPlay Streaming
RSS for tagSecurely deliver streaming media to devices through the HTTP Live Streaming protocol using FairPlay Streaming (FPS).
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Hi guys, I'm implementing FairPlay support for a video streaming application. I've managed to get as far as generating the SPC and acquiring a license from the license server. However when it comes to parsing the license (CKC) returned from the server, the FPS module returns error code -42671. Has anyone else faced this before and / or knows what the fix is? I thought passing it the license should be enough unless additional data is required?