Continuous Integration

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Continuous integration is the process of automating and streamlining the building, analyzing, testing, and archiving of your apps, in order to ensure that they are always in a releasable state.

Posts under Continuous Integration tag

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I'm trying to connect my Developer Account in App Store Connect with Slack for CI notifications from Xcode Cloud. Apple docs for reference: Cloud-using-App-Store-Connect I've tried connecting to the Slack workplace from the App Store Connect User settings and from Xcode Cloud in Xcode and on App Store Connect but no luck so far. The process always goes through and the Xcode Cloud Slack app gets installed on the Slack workspace. However it does not show up on the App Store Connect. I’ve attached a screenshot of the App Store Connect Notification Settings page after I went through the “Slack | Connect” flow successfully. It states “Your Slack account for has been connected”. However The Slack account still does not show as connected on the same page under "Send To”. Any help appreciated! Was anyone able to connect successfully?
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3 Replies
Hello guys, I was able to get code coverage and sonar-scanner working with Xcode Cloud. First in, in post-clone script I install sonar-scanner tool like this brew install sonar-scanner Then, in post-xcodebuild script, I do three things: (a) get current app version, (b) get app version, (c) run xcodebuild again with forced code coverage reporting, (d) find coverage data and convert it to the format that Sonarqube understands, and finally (e) run sonar-scanner, which uploads results to Sonarqube dashboard. cd $CI_WORKSPACE # declare variables SCHEME=[REMOVED] PRODUCT_NAME=[REMOVED] WORKSPACE_NAME=${PRODUCT_NAME}.xcworkspace APP_VERSION=$(sed -n '/MARKETING_VERSION/{s/MARKETING_VERSION = //;s/;//;s/^[[:space:]]*//;p;q;}' ./${PRODUCT_NAME}.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj) # clean, build and test project xcodebuild \ -workspace ${WORKSPACE_NAME} \ -destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPad (10th generation),OS=latest' \ -scheme ${SCHEME} \ -derivedDataPath DerivedData/ \ -enableCodeCoverage YES \ -resultBundlePath DerivedData/Logs/Test/ResultBundle.xcresult \ clean build test # find profdata and binary PROFDATA=$(find . -name "Coverage.profdata") BINARY=$(find . -path "*${PRODUCT_NAME}.app/${PRODUCT_NAME}") # check if we have profdata file if [[ -z $PROFDATA ]]; then echo "ERROR: Unable to find Coverage.profdata. Be sure to execute tests before running this script." exit 1 fi # extract coverage data from project using xcode native tool xcrun --run llvm-cov show -instr-profile=${PROFDATA} ${BINARY} > # run sonar scanner and upload coverage data with the current app version sonar-scanner \ -Dsonar.projectVersion=${APP_VERSION} It all works fine but my team and I think that this is a workaround that shouldn't work like this, because technically xcodebuild command is executed two times, first by Xcode Cloud, then by my script, which takes a lot of time and feels hacky. Ideally, Xcode Cloud's Build and Test actions should generate code coverage (the option is already enabled in our project) and give us access to profile data in DerivedData folder which I can access with environment variable CI_DERIVED_DATA_PATH. However, there is none. My question is, do I do everything correctly? Is there a way to improve this flow? Do I miss on how to correctly get code coverage data from Xcode Cloud?
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2 Replies
I'm having problems with UI tests on an M1 runner using Xcode 14.3.1. In my project, I need to build using the Rosetta simulator because I have a dependency that is not updated to support the arm simulator. This dependency relies on OpenCV." This is the command that I use when I want to run UI tests on CI: xcodebuild ARCHS=x86_64 clean test -scheme UITests -configuration Debug -destination 'id=50E9C593-9A40-4E4D-B58D-1DE437CFBE3A' -parallel-testing-enabled YES -parallel-testing-worker-count 3 -maximum-concurrent-test-simulator-destinations 4 -test-iterations 3 -retry-tests-on-failure And this code run only with 1 clone of simulator. Anyone know why?
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4 Replies
Hello, we have a bunch of macs which we use for running automated UI test and we need to allow services kTCCServiceScreenCapture and kTCCServiceAccessibility to our application bundles (it's a kind of a screen sharing application). We tried to do a direct change in: User's ~/Library/Application Support/ but it doesn't take effect as it looks like these permissions need to be granted in system TCC database The system database at /Library/Application Support/ is write-only due to rootless. Is there any other way than completely disable SIP to grant these TCC permissions to our bundles? Also we would be just fine to grant permissions manually when we're setting up the machine, but it seems these get reset from time to time. And that's my other question: How the TCC validation works? We're testing ad-hoc signed bundles as well as DeveloperID signed ones with the same Application ID and it seems that TCC gets confused over time and simply treats the permissions as not granted. Would modifying csreq in TCC.db record to contain only requirement prevent this behavior or there is some other heuristics TCC uses for permission validation? Thank you, o/
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2 Replies
Hello! I have a Swift package (SPM) with a number of tests associated with it. These all work well locally, and I have created a GitHub repository for the package that can be used by any app. I would like to set it up where my package's tests are triggered automatically whenever I push a change to a branch in the repository. Unfortunately, per the documentation, Xcode Cloud is currently unable to build and test standalone Swift packages. I hope that this will be rectified some point soon as automated testing for them seems like it'd be a pretty common and understandable use case. My question: Is there a way to set an Xcode Cloud workflow up wherein a package's tests are triggered? Xcode Cloud clearly does support Swift packages that are used when building full apps, and there is plenty of documentation to that end. But it's not clear how to trigger those package's tests even through the use of a "dummy" app without moving a bunch of tests to the app itself. Is this possible? I'd really not like to duplicate all my tests in a dummy app if at all possible. Thanks!
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Hello, I'm trying to upload my code coverage to an external service. I've created a workflow on Xcode Cloud that build and run my test + a ci_post_xcodebuild script that uploads my Project.xcresult to an external service My problem here is that I need the repository source code the moment I upload my coverage file. I have two steps in my workflow: Build tests (Which contain the sources but not the coverage results) Run tests (Which contain the coverage result but not the sources) I found this in the Apple documentation: Lastly, it should be noted that in a test action, multiple environments are used to build and run your tests. Only the environment that is used for building your tests will have your source code cloned into it by default. The environments that run your tests won't have source code cloned into them. They'll only have the ci_scripts folder made available on them. As a result, the post-clone script won't run in these environments and your custom scripts and any of their dependencies, such as other shell scripts and small tools, must be entirely contained within the ci_scripts folder. Source: I feel a bit stuck here maybe Xcode cloud is not the way to go for this but I was wondering if by any way I could still check out my project sources after the test execution.
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6 Replies
We have a bit of a complicated build process and need to build the Widget outside of our main app and repackage since we are using a cross platform framework. I tried scripting out updating my Widget's Marketing Version but agvtool won't update the MARKETING_VERSION in the project.pbxproj file. Therefore, we end up getting these emails from Apple: ITMS-90473: CFBundleShortVersionString Mismatch - The CFBundleShortVersionString value ‘1.2.2’ of extension ‘' does not match the CFBundleShortVersionString value ‘1.2.3' of its containing iOS application ‘'. I run this and it says it's updating in the Widget plist (but not the project.pbxproj) so when I build with xcode via command line it doesn't update and when we submit to the App Store we get the above message from Apple: /usr/bin/agvtool new-marketing-version $(/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Print :CFBundleShortVersionString" ../My.Crossplatform.App/My.Crossplatform.App.iOS/Info.plist) Setting CFBundleShortVersionString of project ios to:    1.2.3. Updating CFBundleShortVersionString in Info.plist(s)... Cannot find "ios.xcodeproj/../YES" Updated CFBundleShortVersionString in "ios.xcodeproj/../widget/Info.plist" to 1.2.3 I've had to resort to manually updating then submitting every time. What is the correct way to update the MARKETING_VERSION in the project.pbxproj file in a CI environment using bash?
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2 Replies
Hi, My name is Bin, software engineer at VBreathe in Sydney. We have a mobile app developed in Ionic Angular framework and managed to use xcode cloud to build and deploy the app to TestFlight. It worked well, but the speed is a bit slow, takes around 1 hour to finish the build. After checking the logs, the script took over 20 minutes to finish, because it installs bunch of tools and node packages, which are necessary to build the app. My question is that is there a way to cache these tools and node packages on xcode cloud, so no need to download & install them in every build? Cheers, Bin
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9 Replies
We got the newly issue that our Test devices keeps us asking for the pin code to "Enable UI Automation". Then it works for some hours or days, but after some time it starts again. "Enable UI Automation" is already enabled in "Settings" - "Developer" menu. The devices are located remotely and we can't access them directly, so this is a big issue for us right now. Is there any way to avoid this?
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19 Replies
I have two macs at home. One in my bedroom which is my development mac and one in my living room which is an old mac i put to good use. i would like to occasionally sit in my living room and continue my work from there to avoid fatigue sitting at my desk all day. i have enabled source control using local git repo. how can i continue with my xcode project on my second mac which runs the same os x?