Hello there,
I am faced with the following situation:
We are building a web app that manages playlists for different platforms, including Apple music
We have the concept of teams in there, where a user can be part of multiple teams, and teams are managed by team admin
A team admin could manage multiple teams
The problem here is, that a team admin wouldn't be able to sign in to the Apple music account for multiple teams because if using the same computer we try to let the user sign in once and store the Music User Token, we can't do another login unless we unauthorized the previous one.
Is there anything we can do about this? Thanks
Apple Music API
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Hi there,
I ve Been wondering about getting a 'music user token' for manipulating users playlists.
The situation I found myself in is that that can only be done in the front-end, but by exposing the 'developer token' I need to generate, and the 'developer token' is the key to our app, if someone takes that, they can do anything with it, am I wrong?
Thanks for your time!
I built an app that makes playing audio plays easier using MusicKit. Now I am about to release the app to the app store. Following questions occured while doing so:
Am I accessing/showing third party content in my app when I am music (in this case radio plays) from MusicKit? I am getting all of that data directly from Apple. Is Apple a third party in this case?
The publisher has an app that can playback all of the content that can be accessed in my app. This app has an age rating of 4+ years. Can I just copy that? I've heard that referring to other apps doesn't convince the App Review Team if they disagree. None of the titles are marked explicit in Apple Music.
Under the hood MusicKit is using HTTPS to get the data from Apple's servers. I have no code that has anything to do with encryption or HTTPS. Does my app still uses Non Exempt Encryption because MusicKit does so?
Can I access music through MusicKit that is otherwise not available in this region or does MusicKit take care of this for me? In other words do I have to restrict the availability of my app to certain regions so I don't bypass any geo blockings by accident?
Thank you
When I connect my MacBook to my living room AirPort (older gen wallwart) via Music app, the music output in both rooms is synced.
When I try to setup a Multi-Output Device in AudioMidi setup, I'm not able to get them synced. I'm outputting to the same devices, they're all on the same sample rate, and I've played with the various settings (Primary Clock Source and Drift Sync). What gives? How are these connections different?
Intel MacBook Pro 2018 running Sonoma 14.5
I'm trying to generate a developer token with the following code in nodeJS:
const jwt = require('jsonwebtoken')
const {TEAM_ID, KID, APPLE_PRIVATE_KEY } = require('./secret')
const expiration = 36000;
const currentTime = Math.floor(Date.now() /1000);
const expirationTime = currentTime + expiration;
const options = {
algorithm: 'ES256',
header :{
alg : "ES256",
kid : KID
const payload = {
iss : TEAM_ID,
iat : currentTime,
exp : expirationTime
const newToken = jwt.sign(payload, APPLE_PRIVATE_KEY, options)
console.log('1111111111111111111111' , newToken)
When testing my newToken in curl -- I'm getting a 401 response.
Please help.
When accessing the REST API, If you apply "include=albums" to a 'catalog//songs' endpoint requests with a filter on ISRC, the API will, without fail, return a 504 error status.
If you remove the 'include=albums' and/or replace it with something like 'include=artists' it works fine.
This has been like this for months and we need to get album details back with these requests.
Could the Apple team please respond and verify the issue as it's blocking production for us.
Is it possible to edit the Grouping of a song from the user's library using the Apple Music API?
According to what I read from the documentation, this is not possible, but this is something that I really would love, so, I better ask.
Thanks in advanced!
Could some tell what the relevant endpoint is for fetching all public list of a user playlist. I am able to fetch a one via the id but i want to fetch all in a single request without using authorization.
I am having the exact same issue as described here : https://forums.developer.apple.com/forums/thread/693310
From my understanding of the answers on this topic, it appears to be a problem on the Server Side.
Is it still the case or perhaps I am missing something ?
Here are the curl commands and their outputs :
Storefront call
➜ ~ curl -v -H 'Authorization: Bearer [VALID TOKEN]' "https://api.music.apple.com/v1/storefronts/us"
* Trying [2a02:26f0:2b00:3ab::2a1]:443...
* Connected to api.music.apple.com (2a02:26f0:2b00:3ab::2a1) port 443 (#0)
* ALPN: offers h2
* ALPN: offers http/1.1
* CAfile: /etc/ssl/cert.pem
* CApath: none
* [CONN-0-0][CF-SSL] (304) (OUT), TLS handshake, Client hello (1):
* [CONN-0-0][CF-SSL] (304) (IN), TLS handshake, Server hello (2):
* [CONN-0-0][CF-SSL] (304) (IN), TLS handshake, Unknown (8):
* [CONN-0-0][CF-SSL] (304) (IN), TLS handshake, Certificate (11):
* [CONN-0-0][CF-SSL] (304) (IN), TLS handshake, CERT verify (15):
* [CONN-0-0][CF-SSL] (304) (IN), TLS handshake, Finished (20):
* [CONN-0-0][CF-SSL] (304) (OUT), TLS handshake, Finished (20):
* SSL connection using TLSv1.3 / AEAD-CHACHA20-POLY1305-SHA256
* ALPN: server accepted h2
* Server certificate:
* subject: businessCategory=Private Organization; jurisdictionCountryName=US; jurisdictionStateOrProvinceName=California; serialNumber=C0806592; C=US; ST=California; L=Cupertino; O=Apple Inc.; CN=itunes.apple.com
* start date: Jan 23 20:23:43 2024 GMT
* expire date: Jul 21 20:33:43 2024 GMT
* subjectAltName: host "api.music.apple.com" matched cert's "api.music.apple.com"
* issuer: C=US; O=Apple Inc.; CN=Apple Public EV Server RSA CA 2 - G1
* SSL certificate verify ok.
* Using HTTP2, server supports multiplexing
* Copying HTTP/2 data in stream buffer to connection buffer after upgrade: len=0
* h2h3 [:method: GET]
* h2h3 [:path: /v1/storefronts/us]
* h2h3 [:scheme: https]
* h2h3 [:authority: api.music.apple.com]
* h2h3 [user-agent: curl/7.87.0]
* h2h3 [accept: */*]
* h2h3 [authorization: Bearer [VALID TOKEN]]
* Using Stream ID: 1 (easy handle 0x12680a800)
> GET /v1/storefronts/us HTTP/2
> Host: api.music.apple.com
> user-agent: curl/7.87.0
> accept: */*
> authorization: Bearer [VALID TOKEN]
< HTTP/2 200
< server: daiquiri/5
< content-type: application/json;charset=utf-8
< x-apple-jingle-correlation-key: QZSH3IR75IPQYS7LSN5C5EUJRI
< x-apple-request-uuid: 86647da2-3fea-1f0c-4beb-937a2e92898a
< b3: 86647da23fea1f0c4beb937a2e92898a-1d7eb7b8ad18bc4d
< x-b3-traceid: 86647da23fea1f0c4beb937a2e92898a
< x-b3-spanid: 1d7eb7b8ad18bc4d
< apple-seq: 0.0
< apple-tk: false
< apple-originating-system: MZStorePlatform
< x-apple-application-site: MR22
< x-apple-application-instance: 3588504
< x-responding-instance: MZStorePlatform:3588504:::
< apple-timing-app: 4 ms
< access-control-allow-origin: *
< strict-transport-security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
< x-daiquiri-instance: daiquiri:11896006:mr84p00it-qujn09092102:7987:24RELEASE93:daiquiri-amp-store-l7shared-int-001-mr
< x-daiquiri-instance: daiquiri:12282002:mr47p00it-qujn07081302:7987:24RELEASE93:daiquiri-amp-store-l7shared-ext-001-mr
< cache-control: public, no-transform, max-age=2625
< date: Tue, 23 Apr 2024 14:08:00 GMT
< content-length: 276
< x-cache: TCP_REFRESH_MISS from a2-17-114-29.deploy.akamaitechnologies.com (AkamaiGHost/11.4.5-55391218) (S)
< x-cache-remote: TCP_HIT from a2-17-114-18.deploy.akamaitechnologies.com (AkamaiGHost/11.4.5-55391218) (-)
< vary: Accept-Encoding
< vary: Accept-Encoding
* Connection #0 to host api.music.apple.com left intact
{"data":[{"id":"us","type":"storefronts","href":"/v1/storefronts/us","attributes":{"supportedLanguageTags":["en-US","es-MX","ar","ru","zh-Hans-CN","fr-FR","ko","pt-BR","vi","zh-Hant-TW"],"explicitContentPolicy":"allowed","name":"United States","defaultLanguageTag":"en-US"}}]}%
Album call
➜ ~ curl -v -H 'Authorization: Bearer [VALID TOKEN]' "https://api.music.apple.com/v1/catalog/us/albums/310730204"
* Trying [2a02:26f0:2b00:3ab::2a1]:443...
* Connected to api.music.apple.com (2a02:26f0:2b00:3ab::2a1) port 443 (#0)
* ALPN: offers h2
* ALPN: offers http/1.1
* CAfile: /etc/ssl/cert.pem
* CApath: none
* [CONN-0-0][CF-SSL] (304) (OUT), TLS handshake, Client hello (1):
* [CONN-0-0][CF-SSL] (304) (IN), TLS handshake, Server hello (2):
* [CONN-0-0][CF-SSL] (304) (IN), TLS handshake, Unknown (8):
* [CONN-0-0][CF-SSL] (304) (IN), TLS handshake, Certificate (11):
* [CONN-0-0][CF-SSL] (304) (IN), TLS handshake, CERT verify (15):
* [CONN-0-0][CF-SSL] (304) (IN), TLS handshake, Finished (20):
* [CONN-0-0][CF-SSL] (304) (OUT), TLS handshake, Finished (20):
* SSL connection using TLSv1.3 / AEAD-CHACHA20-POLY1305-SHA256
* ALPN: server accepted h2
* Server certificate:
* subject: businessCategory=Private Organization; jurisdictionCountryName=US; jurisdictionStateOrProvinceName=California; serialNumber=C0806592; C=US; ST=California; L=Cupertino; O=Apple Inc.; CN=itunes.apple.com
* start date: Jan 23 20:23:43 2024 GMT
* expire date: Jul 21 20:33:43 2024 GMT
* subjectAltName: host "api.music.apple.com" matched cert's "api.music.apple.com"
* issuer: C=US; O=Apple Inc.; CN=Apple Public EV Server RSA CA 2 - G1
* SSL certificate verify ok.
* Using HTTP2, server supports multiplexing
* Copying HTTP/2 data in stream buffer to connection buffer after upgrade: len=0
* h2h3 [:method: GET]
* h2h3 [:path: /v1/catalog/us/albums/310730204]
* h2h3 [:scheme: https]
* h2h3 [:authority: api.music.apple.com]
* h2h3 [user-agent: curl/7.87.0]
* h2h3 [accept: */*]
* h2h3 [authorization: Bearer [VALID TOKEN]]
* Using Stream ID: 1 (easy handle 0x148010a00)
> GET /v1/catalog/us/albums/310730204 HTTP/2
> Host: api.music.apple.com
> user-agent: curl/7.87.0
> accept: */*
> authorization: Bearer [VALID TOKEN]
< HTTP/2 500
< server: daiquiri/5
< content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
< content-length: 42
< access-control-allow-origin: *
< x-apple-jingle-correlation-key: EABGYDVEO5AFSK47FMXBMUMODY
< x-apple-application-site: st
< strict-transport-security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
< x-daiquiri-instance: daiquiri:42282002:st53p00it-qujn13050102:7987:24RELEASE93:daiquiri-amp-store-l7shared-ext-001-st
< date: Tue, 23 Apr 2024 14:08:03 GMT
< x-cache: TCP_MISS from a2-17-114-29.deploy.akamaitechnologies.com (AkamaiGHost/11.4.5-55391218) (-)
* Connection #0 to host api.music.apple.com left intact
{"message":"An unexpected error occurred"}%
Am I missing something ? Is it a server side issue ? If so, when will it be fixed ? Otherwise, what is wrong with my approach ?
Is it possible to get the various audio variants for a given song ID, I am unable to find any documentation for this online. In particular, could I see if Dolby Atmos is available for the track?
Here is an example of a request I am sending: https://api.music.apple.com/v1/catalog/us/songs/1168770969
In SwiftUI there is a built-in component for displaying album artworks called Artwork but there is no equivalent for UIKit.
My current approach is to use the .url() method to read image's URL and download the image or read it from the disk but the performance is much worse than it was previously with MPMediaItem's artworkImage method.
let artworkQueue = DispatchQueue(
label: "MusicKit-ArtworkQueue",
qos: .default,
attributes: .concurrent
let artworkSemaphore = DispatchSemaphore(value: 5)
extension Song {
func artworkImage(for size: CGSize, completion: @escaping (UIImage?) -> Void) {
artworkQueue.async {
defer {
let imageURL = artwork?.url(
width: Int(size.width),
height: Int(size.height)
// I hate doing this as it might very well break in the future
guard let imageURL, imageURL.scheme == "musicKit"
else {
return completion(nil)
guard let imageData = try? Data(contentsOf: imageURL),
let image = UIImage(data: imageData) else {
return completion(nil)
I really dislike this approach because it feels hacky but somewhat works. You might ask what's the semaphore for? Well, without it I could notice that MusicKit was choking and after reading too many artworks at once.
Can someone from Apple please provide us with an example on how to use MusicKit with UIKit properly?
Ideally (IMO) we would have a method defined on Song and other MusicKit structures that returns the image for us, just like MPMediaItem had the .artwork() method. It would make our lives so much easier.
Has anyone found a way to retrieve user token if I want to make an app on Flutter that uses that to make Apple Music API calls to just retrieve the user data and display it on the application?
Something like when a user opens their app, there is a button that says connect with apple. It takes the user to give permissions for apple music and that retrieves their user token.
I know there is Music Kit on Swift but i wonder if there is something like that on flutter
Hi, is there a way to display the animated cover art in an app? Not every album has a cover art but for the ones that have one I would like to display them instead of the artwork.
Thank you :)
I was about to finally sign up for the Apple Music affiliate program since one of my apps does provide the MusickKit Subscription Offer. However, it looks like it was renamed and restricts usage to only artists and record labels. (https://partners.applemediaservices.com)
Is this correct? Can I as an indie developer not earn commission of Apple Music that I drive from my apps?
After thoroughly scouring the internet numerous times, I came to the realization that Apple has not documented their User Authentication flow. Instead, developers are often directed to use their JavaScript solution, which proves to be insufficient and impractical for many projects.
Could we please request a comprehensive documentation outlining the process of generating a Music User Token from the Developer Token? This would greatly benefit developers seeking to integrate Apple Music functionality into their projects.
Hello everyone, my name is Joshua Osagie. For 2 months now, I have been trying to build my own music application, but unfortunately, I can’t because I was thinking I would get an API from maybe Apple Music or Spotify that will grant me access to over 100 million music. Even if the API is paid for, I have been doing my research, but then it's kind of impossible. So please, if anyone has an idea on what I can do to bring this application to life, I will really appreciate it. Or if anyone could share me an idea on how to get over millions of music on my app, I will be really grateful.
I often find when doing basic actions in MusicKit it is incredibly slow compared to Apple's Music App. I've tried different versions, devices, networks, Apple's sample code, it all throughout the last several years, and it is all the same. Does anyone else have this issue?
[posted January 30, 2024]
Earlier this month, Apple Classical appeared as an app in CarPlay. Hallelujah!!! Three days later it disappeared after another update, apparently because all it did when activated via CarPlay was crash. OK, it was an oopsie (I get it. I spent 30 years in IT, and, well, it happens. They’re called “undocumented features”). Thing is: Apple hasn’t breathed a word about this event at all. Nothing. Nada. Zip. Zippo. Zilch. There’s a huge pent-up audience for this app in CarPlay. Is it coming? Please? Oh please oh please oh please?
I'm making a request to get 10 artists with their top songs at once, but for some artists it will always fail with a 504. The response is also in HTML which leads to a decoding error. This is my code
var request = MusicCatalogResourceRequest<Artist>(matching: \.id, memberOf: ids)
request.properties = properties
let response = try await request.response()
where ids is MusicItemId. Below I have an input which will always fail 100% of the time, even when retried.
10 elements
- 0 : "51639"
- 1 : "331584"
- 2 : "120199"
- 3 : "45058"
- 4 : "284786497"
- 5 : "44984"
- 6 : "37299"
- 7 : "518462"
- 8 : "39525"
- 9 : "73568"
Example response:
[DataRequesting] Failed to parse body of response with status code Unknown (504):
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
body {
font-family: "Helvetica Neue", "HelveticaNeue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
font-size: 15px;
font-weight: 200;
line-height: 20px;
color: #4c4c4c;
text-align: center;
.section {
margin-top: 50px;
<div class="section">
<h3>Gateway Timeout</h3>
<p>Correlation Key: WFRI6Q5HXAUJYXGNRKQ6YTBYIM</p>
I have also tried batching these into 2 requests of 5 artists instead of 1 request of 10 artists which still fails. However, I do have sets of 10 artists that work fine. Anyone know why?
I am wondering how one can play music videos (with the actual video playing) with the ApplicationMusicPlayer using MusicKit for Swift?
There is not much documentation on this, so any help would be appreciated.