I tried my implementation in Xcode 12.1 GM and this issue still exists. I can find there are two picker wheels but the error throws when I try to adjust them.
I was rewriting the automation code.
/* Find the new date picker row and tap to enter new calendar view */
let compactDatePicker = self.app.descendants(matching: .any)["Date Picker"]
/* Tap top left "September 2020" button to enter month and date selection view */
self.app.buttons["Show year picker"].tap()
/* Unsupported picker wheel error throws here */
self.app.pickerWheels.element(boundBy: 1).adjust(toPickerWheelValue: "2020")
After it enters the month and year view, it becomes a pickerWheel view. I searched elements in debugger console, it is also shown as a pickerWheel but I cannot adjust it. I also tried this implementation in Xcode 12.0.1 and the issue still exists.
I am just wondering whether this is a bug in Xcode 12 or there is another solution to adjust this type 6 pickerWheel.
The problem still exists for UICollectionView now.
All the crashing devices are iOS 13 and iOS 14.0. Has anyone found what the problem is?