I may be in the same boat as well. Looking at documentation here: https://web.dev/learn/pwa/service-workers#:~:text=Service%20workers%20don't%20live,been%20busy%20for%20too%20long. in section service worker lifespan
"If not already running, a service worker will start whenever a network request in its scope is asked for, or when a triggering event, like periodic background sync or a push message, is received. Service workers don't live indefinitely. While exact timings differ between browsers, service workers will be terminated if they've been idle for a few seconds, or if they've been busy for too long. If a service worker has been terminated and an event occurs that would start it up, it will restart."
I'm more wondering what kind of event would restart it in an extension? I have a listener: chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(... but not sure if this even gets triggered to restart the service worker? Anyone else having similar trouble?