




Reply to Surface shader can't get opacity from the texture
Sure, here's the complete code Sure var triMat = SimpleMaterial(color: .orange, isMetallic: false) triMat.color = SimpleMaterial.BaseColor( tint: .white.withAlphaComponent(0.9), texture: MaterialParameters.Texture(try! .load(named: "whity_4x4"))) self.components[ModelComponent.self] = try! ModelComponent(mesh: .generate(from: [meshDesc]), materials: [triMat]) guard let device = MTLCreateSystemDefaultDevice() else { fatalError("Error creating default metal device.") } let library = device.makeDefaultLibrary()! let geomShader = CustomMaterial.GeometryModifier(named: "billboard", in: library) let surfaceShader = CustomMaterial.SurfaceShader(named: "scroll", in: library) var customMaterials:[RealityKit.Material] = [] let materials = self.model?.materials for material in materials! { var material = try? CustomMaterial(from: material, surfaceShader: surfaceShader, geometryModifier: geomShader) //these custom values are to define the speed and direction of the scrolling material?.custom.value[0] = 100 material?.custom.value[1] = 4 material?.custom.value[2] = 4 customMaterials.append(material!) } self.model?.materials = customMaterials Hmm, are you saying that for opacity there should be another texture like normal texture? and we can't get the alpha value from the RGBA texture?
Jul ’23
Reply to Entity rotation animation doesn't go beyond 180 degree?
Hi, I mean if I try to rotate 1.5 pi, I get 90 degree counter clockwise, .pi I get 180 degree rotation clockwise. I guess it only rotates the difference, so if I try to rotate 4 pi (I assume this will rotate 360 twice) this will not rotate anything as this is basically 0 degree, Any idea on how to approach rotation in animation that doesn't involve repeating the move method?
Jul ’23