




Reply to Metal kernel issues with 24-bit data...
It turns out Metal still supports a very straight-forward way to access non-2B-aligned element: define the element layout first: typedef struct __attribute__((__packed__)) { unsigned char r; unsigned char g; unsigned char b; } TryRGB888; then compute works just as charm: _tryBufferSize = _inputTexture.width * _inputTexture.height * 3; // CPU side memory alloc size, *3 for BGR888 ... device TryRGB888 *outBuffer [[buffer(0)]], // shader side ... uint index = gid.y * inTexture.get_width() + gid.x; outBuffer[index].r = 1; outBuffer[index].g = 1; outBuffer[index].b = 1;
Feb ’22
Reply to Metal kernel issues with 24-bit data...
I was having a very similar problem. I was trying to use Metal to convert an BGRA8unorm format to a compact BGR888 format. I created a MTLBuffer for compact BGR888: _tryBufferSize = _inputTexture.width * _inputTexture.height * 3; // note *3 for BGR888 size_t aligned_size = ((_tryBufferSize + 4095) / 4096) * 4096; int ret = posix_memalign(&_tryBufferRaw, 4096, aligned_size); NSAssert(ret == 0 && _tryBufferRaw != NULL, @"posix_memalign failed."); _tryBuffer = [_device newBufferWithBytesNoCopy:_tryBufferRaw length:aligned_size options:MTLResourceStorageModeShared deallocator:^(void * _Nonnull pointer, NSUInteger length) { free(pointer); }]; and compute with: (inTexture BGRA8888 -> outBuffer BGR888) (reduced demo code) kernel void tryKernel(texture2d<half, access::read> inTexture [[texture(0)]], device uchar3 *outBuffer [[buffer(0)]], uint2 gid [[thread_position_in_grid]]) { if((gid.x >= inTexture.get_width()) || (gid.y >= inTexture.get_height())) { return; } uint index = gid.y * inTexture.get_width() + gid.x; outBuffer[index] = uchar3(1, 1, 1); // note uchar3 for BGR888 } This code failed. The following code is OK to run: _tryBufferSize = _inputTexture.width * _inputTexture.height * 4; ... device uchar4 *outBuffer [[buffer(0)]], ... outBuffer[index] = uchar4(1, 1, 1, 1); // uchar2 also worked fine. Then I came upon this 4-year old question. MSLS 2.2 Vector Data Types specified (Table 2.3): uchar2 size 2B uchar3 size 4B uchar4 size 4B which is not the way I thought it was.
Feb ’22