




Comment on SwiftUI UITableView NSInternalInconsistencyException in M1 simulator
I've been getting the same error message ('NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'attempt to insert row 2 into section 0, but there are only 2 rows in section 0 after the update') after upgrading my iphone to iOS 14.5. I confirmed that the same code runs smoothly on iOS 14.2 but not in 14.5.x on simulator (was not able to downgrade my hw device). Error happens within a swiftUI view when I change the properties of a custom view. Custom view "FilteredShoppingListView" has an init method in which I create a new FetchRequest based on the view properties... So to me to narrow this down I'd like to understand what changed between iOS 14.2/3/4 and 14.5 that the same code now breaks. Any help appreciated. Thx - X
Jun ’21