Any solution so far?
I'm facing the same issue.
Probally you already found your answer. but for the next ones who have the same question...
Apparently it was only a misunderstanding. You can check this file with official solution codes:
Had the same issue here.
I managed to solve by uninstalling everything using the app "AppCleaner", which removes the files related to the app that are located in different folders.
After that, I installed everything again and worked fine.
No, the macOS version...
It's a bit weird, it seems like the macOS version is using the iPad version (saying that due to some messages). That would explain why all my old projects/lessons crashed when I tried to open them since the last update.
I'm already using the latest version available.
Swift Playgrounds 4.4.1 (1863.15) with macOS Sonoma 14.2.1 (23C71) in a MacBook Pro Apple M3 Pro
Any lesson is being shown as "Swift 5.8" in the lessons dashboard.
A few weeks ago, I remember that the lessons were using the new Preview macro, instead the struct ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider, for example.
I also remember about lessons teaching to use .bold() (something that I think that came with 5.9 update) instead of .fontWeight(.bold) for Text views.
Another thing, in the "About Me" lesson, there are some references like "Swipe your finger up and down to see what happens" (translation may be a bit different, I'm using pt-BR) while the ScrollView is presented. It feels like the app thinks that I'm in an iPad.