It cannot even be found by searching their developer downloads page:
Really hoping you get an answer to this question because I too unwittingly made my web browsing experience worse by accepting Apple's suggested updates.
I think I've found the issue. It would seem there is a limit to the number of temporary files allowed in an app container and the MLModel.compileModel(at: newFileURL) call creates temporary files but does not cleanup. Whatever process is responsible for managing the temporary folder cannot be relied upon. See for a good overview of best practices.
Just another debugging detail -
I tried moving the MLModels into the Application Support directory, rather than the Documents directory, (FileManager.default.urls(for: .applicationSupportDirectory, in: .userDomainMask).first
vs FileManager.default.urls(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask).first) and it did not prevent the crash.
No answers just more debugging details -
I tried using different MLModels (from 1MB-30MB in size). Once it gets into this crashing state it doesn't seem to care if you change the model files.
I've seen all types of builds/deployments get into this crashing state. Xcode debug builds, TestFlight builds, and App Store builds have all ended up in this state. Still the only known fix is a full delete and reinstall.
Device storage isn't full but that's a good idea about switching out some of the .mlmodel files. I'll try that next time I get my hands on a device that's gotten into this state.