Is vim mode still only available in the Xcode Beta? I can't find the mentioned setting in Xcode 13.1.
Hi Quinn, thanks for your response. I was finally able to get it to work from the command line. At first I've built an app bundle target and the helper binary target (which would be compiled and then copied into the app bundle) and both targets had the exact same bundle identifier (because they'd be both deployed in the same bundle eventually).
That seemed to be what was causing the problem on the command line, because the export options plist would assign both the helper binary as well as the main app bundle binary the same provisioning profile.
Now I've changed the bundle identifier for the helper binary target to something unique and used the same export options plist, which only lists the bundle identifier and the corresponding provisioning profile for the main binary and everything works as expected. (The helper binary does not need a provisioning profile and is a single binary).
In the Xcode GUI I'm able to select the provisioning profile for each target manually, that's probably why it wasn't an issue there.
Any new insights on this?
In case someone else has the problem: a temporary manual workaround for this is to move the static binary (e.g.libfmt.a) to a subdirectory, maybe static/ and use this as the library search path. This can of course lead to problems if you installed the library with a package manager like brew and want to update. I hope this can help someone until Apple fixes this.
having the same problem. How on earth can this be? Apple please fix this asap
Sadly autocompletion for headers in C++ is completely broken in Xcode. If you search the web you'll find complaints back from Xcode 9 or 10 and Apple does not seem to care at all. As a workaround you could go to File > Project Settings and switch the Build System to Legacy and then back again. This should at least give you autocompletion for .h files. I was even able to get autocomplete for iostream once for a short fraction of a second. But I didn't get it to work with .hpp files, although this is is Xcode's standard.
I've constructed a crash which happens after 10s runtime. procExitAbsTime = 2089330565123 and procStartAbsTime = 2089084171024. The difference is 246.394.099 and should somehow correlate to ~10s.
Did you find a solution? According to the docs one would have to add the AssociatedBundleIdentifiers key to the .plist with the bundle identifier. However, this does not seem to be enough. It still does not show up correctly. The docs also mention a call to LSRegisterURL may be necessary, but that's still unclear to me.
any updates on this? It's still not working for me.
We're running into similar problems with the app name not being shown in the system settings. Please let us know if you find a solution.
How do you call LSRegisterUrl in the postinstall script? Do you have a dedicated binary for that?
Filed a bug report FB11982345
Were you able to solve your problem? Facing the same issue.
I've also succeeded with the comment in the virtual buddy repo, updating my UTM Sonoma beta 7 to rc.
I can't stress enough how vital better virtualization support for us developers is. There are just so many roadblocks to virtualizing, and thus, testing other OS versions, it has become a major issue for our company. We're developing software for large enterprise customers and require a thorough testing environment across all supported OS versions. It's bad enough that there is no more professional virtualization software for macOS guests, since Parallels seems to have given up on that topic completely and UTM remains the only option. Also, the limitation of 2 VMs running simultaneously needs to be lifted ASAP and support for remote debugging needs to be added to Xcode. I'm not even getting started on better developer documentation...
I don't mean to rant, but there's just so much frustration accumulated. I really enjoy macOS, but developing for it, especially when it's not a GUI app, shouldn't be this frustrating and full of roadblocks.
@eskimo thanks for linking my original post. I've just posted the solution there as well. If Apple people are also reading it there, I can delete this post.
Did you figure it out? Can you post your solution?