You're right. I have a problem with downloading a half of examples in Chrome on Windows. But some examples can be downloaded.Chrome on iMac downloads correctly all examples.
We call replaceRegion:mipmapLevel:withBytes:bytesPerRow:
Documentation: "This method immediately copies the pixel data into the texture. It does not synchronize against any GPU accesses to this texture. For example, if a command buffer includes read or write operations on a given texture, you must ensure that these operations complete before calling the replaceRegion:mipmapLevel:withBytes:bytesPerRow: method on the given texture. You can use the addCompletedHandler: method, waitUntilCompleted method, or custom semaphores to signal that a command buffer has completed execution."
According Apple's documentation, this function is synchronous. In a current frame we don't have anothr command buffer which has other operations with the same texture.
But we have previous frames which still may be in a queue for rendering and this texture can be busy (potentially).
But how we should guess that this texture is "busy"?
I would grateful for any advise.
Many thanks! Really simple solution. Now I can sign my app on my second Mac.
Hi Ceylo, darknoon,
Thanks for your replies!
I think that double/tripple buffering could be a real explanation of this issue.
Also an article "Synchronizing Events Between a GPU and the CPU" also is a good idea. It's difficult to understand if we really should use these sync. events. I need to think more.
Right now, our app works fine with 3 textures in a series.
I also have this question.
Can we utilize all 8 cores or only 4 cores at once?
If only 4 cores are available, how we should detect a number of really available cores?
If all 8 cores are available, we should know a number of high-performance cores and number of high-efficienty cores.
I hope to get a reply from Apple.
It's sad that nobody can reply. So large company and no technical support...
SVN is NOT included to Command Line Tools in macOS Big Sur 11.0.1 for Apple M1.
But I can find SVN in version for Intel Mac.
On Intel Mac with Big Sur you can install SVN using homebrew: brew install svn
2. I found a solution for Mac with Apple M1. Copy SVN binaries and dylibs from Intel Mac (SVN exists in Command Line Tools - install them firstly):
mkdir svn_backup
cd svn_backup
mkdir bin
mkdir lib
cd ..
scp /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/svn* svn_backup/bin
scp /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/lib/libsvn_*.dylib svn_backup/lib
scp /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/lib/libserf*.dylib svn_backup/lib
then copy executables to /usr/local/bin and dylibs to /usr/local/lib accordingly.
SVN will work via Rosetta 2 emulation on M1 chip.
I tested today, SVN works fine.
It was a big mistake to delete SVN from Xcode. Nightmare for many developers.
On Intel Macs SVN still available in Command Line Tools for Big Sur:
Create a symlink to use "svn" command as usually:
ln -s /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/svn svn
Alternate solution:
brew install svn
(install homebrew package firstly).
2. I found a solution for Mac with Apple M1. Copy SVN binaries and dylibs from Intel Mac.
mkdir svn_backup
cd svn_backup
mkdir bin
mkdir lib
cd ..
scp /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/svn* svn_backup/bin
scp /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/lib/libsvn_*.dylib svn_backup/lib
scp /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/lib/libserf*.dylib svn_backup/lib
then copy executables to /usr/local/bin
and copy dylibs to /usr/local/lib
on Mac on Apple M1 chip.
SVN will work via Rosetta 2 emulation.
Make a backup of these files to use it in future macOS versions.
In my company we always reply to our customers.
I need to enable HiDPI.
How you find DisplayVendorID-* for your external monitor?
I tried this command:
ioreg -lw0 | grep IODisplayPrefsKey
but it returns nothing on Apple DTK with Big Sur.
Please can you publish a complete simple test example - to add EULA to a DMG?
I tried to use example script from above. But I can't find full my-eula.plist.template and my-eula.plist files.
Thanks in advance!
All internal localization in my cross-platform app are stored in other files.
I tried to add an empty fr.lproj folder in /Resources - no result.
I checked VLC app with a correct NSOpenPanel. It contais fr.lproj in /Resources/ > InfoPlist.strings:
CFBundleName = "VLC";
CFBundleDisplayName = "VLC";
CFBundleShortVersionString = "";
CFBundleGetInfoString = "Copyright © 1996-2020 the VideoLAN team";
NSHumanReadableCopyright = "Copyright (c) 1996-2020 VLC authors and VideoLAN";
I added the same InfoPlist.strings file to my fr.lproj - the same result - everything in NSOpenPanel on English
Thanks for your all replies.
I found a solution:
Localization doesn't work if I use a symbolic link to an executable file.
The cross-platform compiler (Freepascal) created an executable outside APP bundle, and a symbolic link inside /MacOS folder.
It seems to be a bug in macOS, because I run APP bundle and localization must work. So I copied manually real executable to /MacOS folder (as for a release version) and now everything works fine.
2. Also I discovered that I can use one of two options:
A. Add CFBundleLocalizations records for each supported language.
B. Or add an empty folder for each language in /Contents/Resources - fr.lproj , de.lproj , etc.
Any of these variants for to use OS language in NSOpenPanel and NSSavePanel.
I hope that this info will be useful for for somebody else.