




Reply to How to detect a song end?
I know I’m resurrecting an old thread but this problem is still not resolved. When writing my player code for Apple Music I encountered all the issues @adh1003 mentioned. all we want is to have some way of being notified when song finishes playing. I tried to code a workaround for it but at this point I feel it’s just impossible. The best way I came up with was waiting for state changed notification and checking if player’s playback time is greater than track’s duration, but that doesn’t work if user presses „Skip” button on lock screen Of course player’s playback time being greater than track’s duration seems like a bug but at least it’s somewhat helpful… @JoeKun to be honest if framework’s behaviour had to be dumbed down because Apple Music app had trouble deciding if „Not Playing” label should be displayed it means that your programmers are not up to task. If the player actually changed its state to „.stopped” our lives would be much easier I recently worked with Spotify SDK for iOS and that API actually reports correctly about the state changes so I don’t know why Apple’s own framework cannot This issue is literally the only thing that prevents us from creating our own usable wrappers around MPMusicPlayerController. At least in my case, I managed to work around other issues but this one is the most frustrating This API has been left basically unchanged for 12+ years now so I’m not holding my breath but I was excitied when I saw that @JoeKun has been very active in responding to feedback here. Thanks
Oct ’22
Reply to A bug in Xcode lldb debugger for swift
I also encounter this issue when debugging async code. In 99% cases I cannot print values using the po and I'm getting such message po result.queue.count error: expression failed to parse: error: <EXPR>:8:1: error: cannot find 'result' in scope result.queue.count ^~~~~~ This doesn't happen in synchronous code XCode 14.1
Nov ’22
Reply to Unable to install “myapp”
This issue started appearing for us all of a sudden a few days ago when new license agreement had to be accepted. We did accept it and then started seeing the same messages as listed above. This is so infuriating, we've been stuck for 3 days now without being able to install/debug our app and none of the solutions worked. Can anyone from Apple please talk to us?
Jan ’24
Reply to How to display artwork images from MusicKit with UIKit?
I've modified my method slightly to use more modern APIs for reading the files but the result is the same, after few hundreds of reads the MusicKit chokes and stops working completely. I cannot perform any requests like MusicLibraryRequest or play anything using MusicPlayer API fileprivate let artworkQueue: OperationQueue = { let op = OperationQueue() op.underlyingQueue = .global() return op }() fileprivate let artworkCoordinator = NSFileCoordinator() extension Song { func artworkImage(for size: CGSize, completion: @escaping (UIImage?) -> Void) { let imageURL = artwork?.url( width: Int(size.width), height: Int(size.height) ) guard let imageURL, imageURL.scheme != "musicKit" else { return completion(nil) } let intent = NSFileAccessIntent.writingIntent(with: imageURL) artworkCoordinator.coordinate( with: [intent], queue: artworkQueue ) { error in guard error == nil, let imageData = try? Data(contentsOf: imageURL), let image = UIImage(data: imageData) else { return completion(nil) } completion(image) } } }
Apr ’24
Reply to MPMusicPlayerController queue information
@JoeKun I know this thread is pretty old and most probably nothing is gonna change within the API but can you give us any explanation as to why reading queue from system music player is not possible, only from application music player? I just can’t understand what would be the reason for that, it’s such an essential feature for every music playing app and ever since MPMusicPlayerController exists it seems to me that it is made difficult to work with on purpose. I’m just talking about reading the queue, not editing it in any way although it would be nice. And I know that application music player gives us those abilities but it is much less stable than system music player and often fails to play anything with numerous prepareToPlay errors thrown. So we have to choose from offering users more functionality or more stability, I just don’t know why we can’t have both. Those issues like I said are over a decade old at this point so I (and my other colleagues) gave up any hope for a fix. And yes I filed multiple feedback repoerts regarding these issues, without any reply. The iOS 15 APIs didn’t fix any underlying issues with playing from Apple Music, they are just a bunch of wrappers on top of classes that have the same bugs since iOS 3.0! We need a framework that is built from ground up not such nonsense
May ’24