I have MacOS Monterey 12.1 on an iMac (Retina 5K, 27-inch, Late 2015). After a recent Monterey update, the Bluetooth began to drop and eventually reconnect the Trackpad 2. Even after purchasing a new replacement Trackpad 2 from Apple, the issue persists.
The issue can occur frequently or with an hour or two of intermittent stability. When the connection drops, it usually (but not always) reconnects in some random number of seconds or minutes.
Several steps have been taken that DO NOT resolve the issue:
Delete /Library/Preferences/com.apple.Bluetooth.plist
Delete ~/Library/Preferences/ByHost/com.appl.Bluetooth...
Shutdown bluetooth and reboot
Reset SMC
I have been unable to locate any logs on my MAC that provide more detail on bluetooth connections/issues.
Is there a fix for this recently-introduced issues OR is there an option to rollback the latest updates?
Are there logs that can clarify the underlying issue(s) OR is this an oversight in the design?