




CapturedRoom versus Objects question / concern
The object model is pretty clean but I have a serious concern. I think you need two Object types or a way to tag a collection subset as it stands. Let me explain. So a fireplace is a FIXED asset. It's never going to move or change without you physically changing the wall it's attached to. To put a fireplace in the 'objects' array is a problem for me. Other fixed assets due to building codes also come to mind. T o il et, Sink and Bathtub. If it's got running water it better have a drain or we've got bigger problems. Point here is that also makes it a fixed asset. Short of changing a wall/remodel those objects are never moving. washer/dryer also has physical hookups that fix it to a location. It's not like a chair, couch or table for instance gas/electric oven stove has either a special 3 phase 220 plug or a natural gas line which also means it's fixed. I would suggest an 'attached' versus 'detached' type of Category subset or something of that nature. I'm not saying this is the best answer but I do challenge you to 'walk thru that door' and see what's behind it. :-) Probably the easiest fix with your current data model and data flows are to just create: CapturedRoom.Object.Category.Attached CapturedRoom.Object.Category.Detached Regardless of your solution putting a fireplace in the same Object array as a chair might burn the whole thing to the ground. :-) Can't wait to see Beta 3. Great stuff so far.
Jun ’22
RoomCapture Configuration - request for more config options
/// An object to configure the capture process     public struct Configuration {         public var isCoachingEnabled: Bool         public init()     } If I ask nicely would someone please add a few more features to this? Specifically, I would LOVE to be able to just detect a ROOM with no objects. Then I would also like to be able to pass a map of CapturedRoom.Object.Category objects to filter on or use for render. So for example I would pass into Configuration something like RoomCategory collection for the visualizer and USDZ model file. : [Category : SimpleMaterial] .sink: return SimpleMaterial(color: .systemBlue, roughness: roughness, isMetallic: false) .toilet: return SimpleMaterial(color: .systemTeal, roughness: roughness, isMetallic: false) .bathtub: return SimpleMaterial(color: .systemGreen, roughness: roughness, isMetallic: false) So the above would override the default of rending ALL known objects to just render the three above and give them the color I've laid out. While I'm at it, Beta 1 and Beta 2 changed a few things on this list. "screen" is a better name than "television". I also miss the ".unknown" category. Here is what was in Beta 1: .unknown .storage .refrigerator .stove .bed .sink .washer .toilet .bathtub .oven .dishwasher .table .sofa .chair .fireplace .screen .stairs The list above changed with Beta 2 that just shipped. So in Beta 2 .unknown was REMOVED, .washer is now .washerDryer and .screen is now .television. This API is super cool and amazing. I've really enjoyed working with it.
Jun ’22