




Unable to start Transparent Proxy
Hi I am building a transparent proxy using NETransparentProxyProvider When I try to "enable" the proxy, I get the following error TansparentProxy[6293:14201007] save error: Missing protocol or protocol has invalid type My code is available here on github - If, instead of using let manager = NETransparentProxyManager.shared() , i use let manager = NETransparentProxyManager() I don't get an error while saving preferences, but I don't see any messages in log from the proxy. I am using the following command to see the logs. sudo log stream Also, i don't see any process running in the activity monitor for the extension I have been looking at other's code and it seems like one has to call let session = manager.connection as! NETunnelProviderSession session.startTunnel() but, in my case session is an instance of NEVPNConnection One more question... There are two ways to add the proxy extension. One as an app extension (with .appex extension) and the other as a system extension (with .systemextension extension). I am using the second approach. What is the difference between the two? Is there any right way to build the network extensions? regards waqqas
May ’21