




iOS 18 allowVPNCreation restriction causes apps can't use network
A profile that contains setting of allowVPNCreation is false was installed duiring activation in my requirements. The iOS version is 18. AllowVPNCreation is first, setting the app's network is second, the app can't use network. Setting the app's network is first, AllowVPNCreation is second, the app works well. For example: Scene 1 Step 1: Install a profile that contains a setting where allowVPNCreation is false during activation. Step 2: Complete activation and enter the main screen. Step 3: Tap App Store, the screen displays network unavailable, needs to be set in Setting. Step 4: Open the network setting for App Store, but still closed.And the network settings for other apps are all closed; Step 5: Remove the profile. Step 6: After a minute, opening the network setting for App Store is work. Result: AllowVPNCreation effects app's newtork after entering the system for the first time. It don't happen below iOS 18. Scene 2 Step 1: The app's network setting is ok. Step 2: Install a profile that contains a setting where allowVPNCreation is false. Result: No effect。The same result below iOS 18. Is this a bug or new features, how to handle?
Oct ’24
iOS device doesn't connect MDM server
I have a few devices that don‘t connect MDM server. It work well after enroll the MDM server, but it won't work anymore after a few days. MDM server send apns request, apns server always return success, and i try power off / on, restore network, restore all settings, but still don't work. What could cause this situation,and is there a solution?
Aug ’24
Clearing activation lock returns 404 not found
The api url : The document url: We use the api for past 1+ years, it works well. The api returns 404 not found response since 2022.12.02 <title>404 Not Found</title> </head> <body> <center> <h1>404 Not Found</h1> </center> <hr> <center>Apple</center> </body> </html> We contact apple support via email, but no useful response;
Dec ’22